View Full Version : Finally some stuff to show

alex carey
03-05-2009, 8:33 PM
I have been in school 5 days a week and I play ultimate frisbee 3 days out of the week. Haven't had much time to turn but here are a few things I have taken pictures of.

13" x 3" Ficus bowl. I don't actually like this at all, I have no idea what the dark ring in the bottom is which is why I am posting this. I roughed the bowl out and let it sit to dry. 5 days later when I went to return it this was there. The bowl had nothing on it while drying and was in the open air. Not sure what it is but I really don't like it. Mold perhaps??? Nothing else has molded like this though.

Second bowl I really like, 8" x 3" I took the shape from another smaller bowl I had already made. I have no idea what the wood is but I really enjoy turning it.

Last is a bottle stopper. It is my first one and man did I enjoy it. It felt out of place on my mustard but I never realized how much fun turning small can be. Little effort, big reward. PLUS a short sanding time.

Critiques, Comments, hate mail all wanted.


David Christopher
03-05-2009, 8:41 PM
Alex, I dont know what the dark stuff is. and I dont know why you dont like it.. I think its a good looking bowl..actully all the pieces are very nice...looks like to me you need to through away the frisby and toss some more wood on that mustard

curtis rosche
03-05-2009, 8:43 PM
nice work, what finish do you use?

Allen Neighbors
03-05-2009, 8:55 PM
Hi Alex. You read what Dave Christopher said... throw away the frisbee, and throw some more wood on that mustard. You've done well, so far.
I believe the dark rings in the bottom of the first bowl could be bruises, caused by the heel of the bowl gouge. I've had it happen to Mulberry, when I'm turning the corner. They show up later... usually after the finish is on. :(
Grinding a second bevel will help to keep the heel from rubbing when you turn the corner from side to bottom.
Keep at it, Friend. :)
Keep turning...

Steve Schlumpf
03-05-2009, 9:13 PM
Alex - I agree with Allen - looks like bruising to me If it bothers you that much - you can always sand it out and reapply your finish!

Nice work on everything! Keep up the good work!

Don Carter
03-05-2009, 9:32 PM
At your age, do it all, frisbee, woodturning, whatever, don't miss a thing! Whatever you do don't miss school!;)

That big Mustard will be there when you need to turn. You work looks great! You definitely got this turning thing down! Keep 'em coming!

All the best.


Bill Bolen
03-05-2009, 9:51 PM
Very nice work! I must agree about the brusing...I've done it a time or two till I ground the heel away from the bevel...Bill...

Bernie Weishapl
03-05-2009, 11:40 PM
Great looking pieces. I agree it is probably bruising. It may sand out.

Dewey Torres
03-05-2009, 11:56 PM
Hey Alex,
Nice to see someone else turning stoppers. I am so new that's about all I know how to turn yet but I am going to rough out my first bowl blanks this weekend.:D

Jarrod McGehee
03-06-2009, 1:01 AM
nice job on the bowls and stopper Alex. I'm in the same boat as you with school and sports and little time to turn. Luckily I have 2 periods of shop class so here and there I can use the lathe. :D

alex carey
03-06-2009, 2:35 AM
Thanks for all the nice words everyone, I had no idea wood could be bruised. I was going to sand it out but I ran out of a bunch of sand paper, my lowest has been 220 for like 2 weeks. I finally ordered more and it should be in soon. I got invited to a 2 day ultimate frisbee tournament in Long Beach tonight but as soon as I got offer I turned it down saying immediately saying Saturday and Sunday are my turning days. Don't Worry I got my Priorities straight;)

@Curtis for all 3 of these things I used General Finishes Salad Bowl Finish. I use this for most things. Seems to work quite well so far and it doesn't leave a big shine. I don't like high polishes. More natural is how I like it. here is a link.

