View Full Version : New Form for me?

Jack Mincey
03-03-2009, 10:40 AM
This one started out Upside down from what it is now. The form moved so much while drying that I thought it looked better this way. Now I am thinking of turning it large side up again and putting it on a tuned base and a lid with a finial on top. I'm just not sure about this one. Coments welcome. Oh it is cherry burl 6 1/2" high by 5 1/4" in dia. with one coat of danish oil.

Jeff Nicol
03-03-2009, 10:49 AM
Jack, The form is very ancient in looks, the people of old used forms like this to hold wine, oils, herbs etc. The wood is great and the finish is perfect for it.

Very nice,


David Christopher
03-03-2009, 11:27 AM
Jack I like it just like it is...I wouldnt do nothing to it...Beautiful shape and wood

Wayne Bower
03-03-2009, 12:31 PM
Very nice piece. Keep up the good work.

Steve Schlumpf
03-03-2009, 12:33 PM
Jack - I agree with everyone else so far - looks great the way it is!

Alan Trout
03-03-2009, 12:41 PM
Jack, That is very very nice! I don't think it will look right with a finial. Keep it the way it is. If you need to build a stand for it I would make it some sort of 3 point stand that allows you to see the entire form.

Good Work.


Roger Wilson
03-03-2009, 12:45 PM
The piece has nice smooth curves. It's got a very tactile look to it. I can picture picking it up and holding it. I don't think it needs more work.

alex carey
03-03-2009, 1:55 PM
that is a very nice Hf, love the shape and love the wood. I'd leave it as is.

Jim Becker
03-03-2009, 3:20 PM
I like it the orientation it is in the picture...very nice work.

Dave Ogren
03-03-2009, 3:50 PM

I think your HF from, I remember your prize collection cherry burl, looks great. How you dry those ? Keep your great pieces comming, they are all wonderful.


Ken Glass
03-03-2009, 6:15 PM
I agree with the rest. It is a very nice flowing HF. It does give the appearance of being very old in shape. I think it has a very unique quality that we don't see many of. My vote would be to leave it alone and not even buff it antmore.

Jack Mincey
03-03-2009, 6:37 PM
Thanks for the compliments everyone. Dave it is out of the cherry burl haul. This is out of the one green burl I got that day. It was on the ground from a large oak tree falling on it and I thought it to be dead until I cut it off and the rest of he tree spring back up close enough to my face to get my attention if you know what I mean. I got another HF from the other half. I turn them down to just over 1/4" wall thickness and put them in a brown paper bag to dry. I've lost very few bowls using the bag to slow the air flow down. Being thin doesn't let me shape them a lot after they''re dry and one never knows what a burl will do. The cherry hasn't moved much as a rule, but there is always one that likes to bend the rule.

Bernie Weishapl
03-03-2009, 7:11 PM
Great looking piece Jack. I wouldn't do a thing.

Richard Madison
03-03-2009, 7:41 PM
One more vote to leave as is. You absolutely nailed the "bag of sand" shape, and I like the neck and rim. It ain't broke, so - - -

Dewey Torres
03-03-2009, 8:30 PM
+1 one to leave as is

Dave Halter
03-03-2009, 10:08 PM
Beautiful piece! I wouldn't change a thing.

Allen Neighbors
03-03-2009, 10:19 PM
That's gorgeous! I also vote to leave it as it is. You just made somebody a collector's piece. :D

Leo Van Der Loo
03-03-2009, 10:19 PM
Jack I can't think of anything looking better in that burl, it is as earthy looking as anything you can get.
If I had a piece like that, it would sit proudly for everyone to see, well done and very nice :D.

Randy Hoch
03-04-2009, 1:11 AM
I agree with all the others. We all had a secret vote and you're done with this piece! Sorry man.
Seriously the form immediately appealed to me. The thing that's so cool is that it's truly a bit different than what most others have done, without sacrificing its simplicity. Simple form is best because the beauty of the wood is not in any way downplayed. (Of course you had to pull this off with a kick-ass piece of wood to complete the trifecta.) Maybe I'll look into getting into the fabric arts......:D


Jim Kountz
03-04-2009, 1:47 AM
The form on this is amazing to me, I think you may have accidentally come across something very unique. The curves are just right how they taper to the top opening. I absolutely love this piece!!