View Full Version : SMC wood source collaboration in a single location?

travis howe
03-02-2009, 8:46 PM
....first of all, I think this may be a topic/benefit for those who contribute financially to the value of SMC.

We've all had our conversations as to what woods we like, where we buy from but I'm thinking it would be a really cool idea to have a single source for all this information. This also might be a place to find more corporate sponcers.

Say, I'm in Colorado and I need some clear walnut, do I go down the road to the local shop for the best price / quality or do I go with an online shop and if so with who...and what price???

I'm going to be in the need for some alder ply here soon and I wonder what is the best source for good alder ply?

If we can create a thread or new topic thread to collaborate on this information that is for people that contribute would be good for SMC and I also feel like some of the players in the market may come to realize this as a souce for a LARGE group of woodworkers and influance / source of lumber purchase may provide ads or discounts.


