View Full Version : Latest four turnings

Bruce Shiverdecker
03-02-2009, 8:05 PM
Haven't posted any pictures in a while. Been trying to get the Photography better for showing here and to use for juried shows.

What'cha think! Of the work and of the pictures (I know the pix are not TOP NOTCH but I think they are a lot better than before.)

111944 Walnut, 111945 Aeromatic Cedar, 111946 Ambrosia Maple,
111947 Curly Maple.

Thanks for looking and for your comments,


curtis rosche
03-02-2009, 8:07 PM
nice bowls. i like the color of the cedar one

Jack Giovo
03-02-2009, 8:09 PM

I like them all - nice work - very well done:D


Dewey Torres
03-02-2009, 8:12 PM
Pics don't look bad at all. I like the cedar one best.

David Christopher
03-02-2009, 8:44 PM
nice bowls....I like the walnut. it looks like it has a green tint to it

Jon McElwain
03-02-2009, 8:49 PM
Well shaped bowls. Pleasing to the eye. The shape of the walnut bowl is my favorite of the bunch.

I can see some turning marks on the lower portion of the walnut bowl, and in the concave side profile of the ambrosia maple bowl.

The photo of the walnut bowl shows shadows on the inside of the bowl which reveal a very consistant curvature. I've always thought that the curve of the inside of a bowl is the most difficult. Nicely done!

The rims of the walnut, cedar and maple bowls are thin, giving the appearance of "lightness." The cedar bowl gives away some of it's heft with the wide outside feature.

Well shaped inside of the ambrosia maple bowl - again good curvature on the inside. In my "minds eye" I think that the lowest ring on this bowl should be the widest - totally a preference thing for me.

Are you using a tripod for the photos? I would take a series of photos and change the exposure to allow less and less light in. Most digital cameras have a button with a plus/minus (+/-) symbol that does this. Same as adjusting the f-stop and apeture on an old manual camera. The light colored bowls are too bright in these photos. Another thing that will help this a lot is moving the camera back and using the cameras zoom to get the close up photo. This will help get the entire bowl into focus. I can tell that the camera was fairly close to some of the bowls because there are some portions of the bowls that are well focused and other parts that are out of focus. This shows up in the cedar and curly maple the most. The photo of the walnut bowl is the best.

Hope that helps. Nice work!


Dennis Ford
03-02-2009, 9:13 PM
The work is great, the walnut bowl is my favorite. The pictures are not bad but not as good as the bowls. You might try less background light).

Steve Schlumpf
03-02-2009, 9:36 PM
Bruce - nice work on everything! Really like the walnut - both for the wood and the form! The photos appear to be slightly overexposed - the additional light washes out the natural colors.

Dean Thomas
03-03-2009, 12:00 AM
Love 'em all. The walnut with the bead on the bottom is just awfully nifty.

Is the color on the Ambrosia close to what the piece looks like?

I could certainly find places for any or all in my craftsman style home! Nice job.

Jarrod McGehee
03-03-2009, 12:20 AM
I like those bowls but I enjoyed looking at the cedar one the most. nice job :cool: