View Full Version : Excerpt from 1880's Lathe Catalog (Man Compared to Lathe)

Jon McElwain
03-02-2009, 3:30 PM
Thought you might enjoy this. It is out of a metal lathe and metal working tools catalog. I found it researching my 1880's Lodge and Davis Engine Lathe which has since been re-tooled into an electric woodworking lathe. The catalog included moral and ethical behavior commentary, legal advice, encouragement toward saving money, and this.


Man Can Be Compared to an Engine Lathe

He has his "fast speeds" and later his "slower speeds;" by that time he has had his "full swing." If his "head stock" is light, he is liable to "chatter," which is an "index" of want of "solidity." His "carriage" and "bearing" depend on his "ways," and he is often tied to an "apron" string. If he comes home late to dinner and finds everything cold, is wrathy, and this may be called his "cross feed." If he attends a banquet and eats and drinks for hours, this could be called his length of feed." While going through life he gets many a good "belt," and finds considerable "friction" in trying to "clutch" onto all the money he can. If he fails to pay his rent, his landlord is "bored" and he gets "turned" out. If he steals money he is "chased" to Canada, which is his "finishing cut." If he ever amounts to much, he commences by "roughing" it, then becomes "smother," and should in time get some "polish." When old, he has some "lost motion," gets on his last "legs," then "dies," and is finally "chucked" in the grave.

curtis rosche
03-02-2009, 8:12 PM
take a look at this old lathe picture i found to go with your post.

Jon McElwain
03-02-2009, 9:04 PM
Now if that doesn't meet your spindle turning needs....