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View Full Version : Lumber Gloat- Jackpot #4 (I think)

Matt Woessner
02-27-2009, 9:36 PM
Picked up a sweet deal and made a new friend today. I scored 150bf of 4/4 ash for $100! I was pretty excited. I have been looking for some for a while. Some of the lumber appeared to have spalting? Is this possible in ash? I found it interesting.
Also he sells all his lumber typically for $1bf, he wanted the ash out of his way. From walnut,cherry,qswo, red oak, etc. all 4/4 for a dollar per bf. He only cuts logs that people would burn. Will be back to his place for sure.

Dave Lehnert
02-27-2009, 9:52 PM
Call 911. We need the pic police. LOL!!!!!!

James Hendrix
02-27-2009, 11:34 PM
By any chance was this the post on CL in Oak Grove? I am thinking about getting some myself.

Jacob Mac
02-27-2009, 11:43 PM
Whereabouts is this guy at? I am always on the lookout for a deal.

tom martin
02-28-2009, 12:16 AM
Ash is some beautiful wood and yes it will spalt. Did it have any bark on the edges? Here in northern Wisconsin we are on the verge of having ash quarantined by county because of the Emerald ash bore. The bug lives in the first layer of wood under the bark. Kiln drying kills them.
A friend of mine who has run a small sawmill all his life said that within a couple of years, you won't be able to get ash. (I'm not sure if he was talking about here or everywhere)
I think you have made a good investment. it will only increase in price as it becomes less available.

Matt Woessner
03-01-2009, 4:39 PM
I have not heard that before about the Emerald ash bore. There is a lot of ash in this part of the world, but finding good logs is tough. There are typically a lot of knots. There is no bark on the edges.

This guy was located in St. Robert/Waynesville.

Chris Schumann
03-01-2009, 8:18 PM
I think you have made a good investment. it will only increase in price as it becomes less available.

That hasn't seemed to happen with elm, but that's not as desirable a wood. It's still pretty cheap, when you can find it at all. What's happened to the price of, say, chestnut?