View Full Version : Jet parallel-jaw clamps - anyone else having this problem?

Steve Sawyer
02-27-2009, 3:53 PM
I have a small collection of Jet parallel-jaw clamps 4 x 51", 4 x 24" and a pair of 31".

I love these clamps, and agree with all of the positive reviews I've seen. However, I've had two clamps develop a problem where they would not lock onto the bar, making it impossible to get any significant clamping pressure. It's even possible to yank on the moveable jaw by hand and get it to slide instead of lock. I usually keep my clamps clean of glue drips, but made extra sure that there was no glue gumming up the serrations in the bar, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

To their credit, Jet (with proof of purchase) promptly replaced the one that developed this problem last year, and is in the process of replacing the second one that started giving me trouble this year. I know it's not my problem, but I just hate the thought of the waste involved in freight and the scrapping of an otherwise perfectly good clamp.

Has anyone else run into this?

Rob Diz
02-27-2009, 3:58 PM

Jet replaced one of my clamps already. I have to tell you though, when I had this problem, it made me realize that the K bodies really do have a huge reliability. Given that reliability, and keeping the clamp head size uniform, I have only been picking up K bodies. I recently picked up 8 from someone who was leaving ww. I have more than I think (time will tell, right) than I can use at one time.

Prashun Patel
02-27-2009, 4:04 PM
I had a similar problem with some Peachtree parallel clamps. The problem was the quick-release trigger. They sent me new ones that I was able to install myself. Actually, before they arrived, another user here tipped me off that flipping that trigger end-for-end and reinstalling it might solve the prob. It did.

Looking at the Jet design, I'm not sure you can do that. However, Jet may be able to send you a new trigger or replacement to whatever faulty part you have. It'll be cheaper for both of you that way.

Anyway, call 'em.

Steve Sawyer
02-27-2009, 6:06 PM
Looking at the Jet design, I'm not sure you can do that. However, Jet may be able to send you a new trigger or replacement to whatever faulty part you have. It'll be cheaper for both of you that way.

That was what I proposed, but they don't do that. Corporate policy rigidity I guess. It sure looks like it can be completely disassembled and everything taken apart and replaced, so I may play with that after the new one arrives, just to see what seems to be the problem. Neither of the two clamps I got as a promotion with my new saw, nor the replacement clamp I got last year has shown the slightest tendency toward this problem so it may have been an early QC issue that has now been corrected.

Here's hoping...

Tim Malyszko
02-28-2009, 8:44 AM
I've never had that problem on the Jets, but...

it made me realize that the K bodies really do have a huge reliability.

I had that problem on 2 of my K bodies recently.

Mark Grotenhuis
02-28-2009, 10:01 AM
I haven't had any issue with the clamping pressure on my jets, but I do find myself having so spray the trigger mechanism with lube fairly often to make them workable. Sometimes I find them so stiff I have to stop and address the issue during a glue up ... which is not cool. It just seems they don't slide along the bar nearly as easily as they should. K-bodies seem to slide easier, but I have had issues with the clamping pressure on K-bodies before too, so I still prefer the Jets.

Dave Sweeney
02-28-2009, 10:29 AM
I had that problem with one of my Jet clamps. Jet's customer service was excellent as usual and they replaced it. What was unusual about the clamp I had was that it would only malfunction at certain location along the bar and work fine at others.

Glen Blanchard
02-28-2009, 10:48 AM
I had the same problem with two of mine. Jet's CS sent me replacements no questions asked, not even asking for proof of purchase.

keith ouellette
02-28-2009, 10:54 AM
2 of the four bessy parallel clamps will slip. I have to reset each one a few times before I finally get it to bite.

Andrew Joiner
02-28-2009, 11:07 AM
I was looking at some yesterday. The Bessey,and Jorgensen have no teeth. The Jet has teeth on the bar so I would guess they would last the longest.

I would like to see each taken apart to judge which is best.

How does the bar with no teeth get grip?

John Thompson
02-28-2009, 11:46 AM
You occasionally get a Jorgensen Cabinet-master that will encounter a similar problem. You can call them and they will tell you how to fix theirs and send you a new clamp in most cases.
