View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
02-27-2009, 7:17 AM
Friday February 27, 2009


Another week has come and gone and it's time for the weekend. It's been a quiet week for me as LOML has been in Vegas attending a class at UNLV. She gets home tonight.

We had some nasty weather yesterday afternoon and evening. Started raining pretty heavy with thunder and lightning. That turned to hail and then to heavy snow. The snow only amounted to about an inch, but it's covering up some ice I think. I'll find out in a little while when I go out to clear the driveway. It is quite windy also.

Not sure what the weekend has in store. I think I'll try and get the shop cleaned up a bit, but we'll take it as it comes. It's still going to be cold which means I'll have to fire up the heaters if I'm going to do anything out there. I will be watching the races from Vegas though.

What's on the agenda in your part of the universe? Some fun and games? Whatever you've got going on I hope it's something you really want to do. Please make it SAFE.


Loren Blount
02-27-2009, 8:43 AM
Gotta do some vehicle maintenance . One car needs an oil change, my truck needs a tire patched. I guess that counts as shop time since thats where I'll be doing them, but not the kind I want to do. Hopefully I'll get to spend some quality time later tomorrow and finish dialing in the settings on my drum sander, maybe even get back to work on the toy box I'm building.


Matt Meiser
02-27-2009, 8:48 AM
I flew into Chicago Midway through that weather yesterday. People actually clapped when we landed. I was really surprised that we landed and even more surprised that my connection made it out.

I'm only working a couple hours today since its been a long couple weeks finishing up and installing a project. I wouldn't work any, but my boss scheduled a conference call from 3-4:00 my time on a Friday. :(

My first priority today is inishing up the mirrors for my daughter which I need to run and get glass for and probably one more coat of wipe-on poly. I also plan to work on cleaning up the parts of my planer. Saturday afternoon/night my wife and I have plans since our anniversary is this coming week. Sunday we'll be visiting with my parents and an uncle who is visiting from out of town, and maybe if I have time while I'm over there I'll chuck up a few of the planer parts in my dad's lathe and polish them up with emery cloth.

Rick Cicciarelli
02-27-2009, 9:25 AM
I too have vehicle maintenance that needs to be taken care of. I need to patch up a problem with my exhaust on the car. Need to replace plugs, wires, rotors and brakes on my truck. I think I'll hold off on the rotors and brakes until next paycheck. I only only thankful I can do it myself, because the auto repair places want a kidney in exchange for doing any kind of work like that.
I also have some plumbing that needs some attention. I think I am going to run all new copper through my half of the house. I own a duplex and it is shared plumbing. Bit of a pain. Some pipes burst on my side and it is a good excuse to just run a new line for my half of the house. It is also a good excuse to clean up the basement and reorganize so I can make plans for a new workbench that I'd like to build :D

Jim O'Dell
02-27-2009, 9:36 AM
I need to pick up all the rest of the Pear tree I cut down last weekend, and cut the stump down. I will probably need to get another small electric fence power supply. Got a 1 mile unit from a friend that works for most of the fence, but I have so many splices where I go past gates that the tail end of it is not working, and the last part is weak. So I'll probably split the system at the back gate.
Maybe some more trash pick up. Need to get the wife to take me out to eat.:D It's been a while since we've gone out. Other than that, REST!!! Jim.

Paul Ryan
02-27-2009, 9:36 AM

I put 140 miles on in that garbage yesterday. Today I need to spend digging out and cleaning up the driveway. Hopefully I can get my tool gloat unloaded and set up (pics forthcomming). We got about 5" dumped on us yesterday. It is about 0 here this morning so I wont be doing too much in the shop.

Matt Meiser
02-27-2009, 10:23 AM
I think I am going to run all new copper through my half of the house.

3 letters: PEX ;)

Don Orr
02-27-2009, 10:30 AM
I'm going to a college lunberjack show/contest at a local school on Sat morning and then cutting up an old trashed piano for our Art Council. Sunday is committment free right now !

Larry Edgerton
02-27-2009, 10:40 AM
It is supposed to be -21 here tonight, so I will not bother to try and heat the shop up.

When will winter be over? It seems like years since I have seen grass.

Art Mulder
02-27-2009, 10:50 AM
Goin to the Toronto Home Workshop show (http://www.canadianhomeworkshop.com/show/)... Looking forward to checking out tools, looking for deals, and talking with lots and lots of folks.


Narayan Nayar
02-27-2009, 10:58 AM
I'm hoping to turn my first bowl/platter this weekend.

And my son is also turning 3 in a few days. Unbelievable.

Al Willits
02-27-2009, 2:20 PM
Like Karl and Paul, we'll be dealing with snow that fell, most is blowed off the driveway and walks, but I need to pull some off the garage roof and do a bit of cleaning.

Karl, ice with snow over it sucks, we still have some from last time and snow blowing this time was hazardous, ya never knew when you'd find a patch of ice and end up on your backside...

Still trying to get the kitchen cart done, plugged kitchen drain took longer than I thought, and I got sick after that so haven't got much done on the cart.

Garage/shop is still a disaster, so cleaning and cart are the two things related to woodworking for me.
And maybe trying to come up with a CD rack design while I'm resting from all this hard work...:D


Tyler Howell
02-27-2009, 5:56 PM
Some clean up snow plowing after the big storm. had a lot of drifting. -35* tomorrow.
Helping out on the Radio station Pledge drive tomorrow.
Classical concert tomorrow night.
Heading down to the cities & hop a plane for the Left coast.

Have a good and safe weekend.

Fred Voorhees
02-27-2009, 7:24 PM
Just delivered the latest project to its rightful owners and the other night I did a massive cleanup/straightening up of the shop so that I can walk in there without getting the heebee jeebees. Not exactly sure what is up for this weekend.

I do have one little project slated for this weekend in the shop. It's a gag deal for the job. The foreman just quit smoking and he is trying to cut back on his liquor intake. Here is the plan. You know those "In Case Of Emergency" things with the little hammer....mostly fire extinguishers. Well, myself and a co-worker were scheeming the other day and came up with the idea of my building one of those In Case Of things to hang up on the wall and it would hold one of those small airplane bottles of liquor, a cigarette and a pack of matches with just one match left in it. They would be behind the glass and a little hammer would hang with it.

Other than that little thing....I think I might be doing a vast amount of research on the career of a northeast US dirt track stock car driver to compile his career wins. I have done this before for three other drivers and while it's a ton of work, it is worth it to help nail down a little bit more of the sports history on the local level around here in the Northeast.

Neal Clayton
02-27-2009, 8:54 PM
my nephew is showing up on sunday from new orleans with 300 feet of cypress and about 1200 feet of old growth longleaf pine. unloading the trailer on sunday probably, on monday lots and lots and lots of sawdust ;).

Michael Pfau
02-27-2009, 9:03 PM
I all, I just got done with a mission chest of drawers, now our bedroom set is complete! I have started on a jewelry/ lingerie chest, made of cherry, pics will follow. So tomorrow I will spend in the shop!

Matt Woessner
02-27-2009, 9:08 PM
Sat. will be watching the baby while the wife goes to a cooking show. Church of course, and then Sun. afternoon the vet is coming out to test 3 bulls and check a couple heifers for a sale coming up.

Jim Becker
02-27-2009, 9:10 PM
Horsie stuff on Saturday and perhaps back in the shop on Sunday to work on my buffet project. We'll see...could be some honey-doos, too.

Robert foster
02-27-2009, 9:30 PM
I see several of you are still in winter. It was 103 here in Mission TX today. Since i am 1200 miles from my shop I won't get to do anything there this weekend but if everything works out well we will be leaving here for cooler climes Monday. Should be back home by Friday so maybe I can get some playtime next weekend. Have been away from it for three months so I will be glad to get back to it. Maybe I can make some sawdust then.
