View Full Version : Boy am I in trouble with SWMBO, and I'm sure all of you

Brian Brown
02-26-2009, 10:29 PM
So I'm really in the doghouse this time! :( My 90 year old grandmother loves hand made gifts. Last Christmas, we gave her a desk set with pen, letter opener and magnifier. Each piece spent some time on the lathe. These pieces were all made from walnut she brought me a year ago from her childhood home in Kansas. She was visiting her brother, and asked if he knew where she could get some walnut for me. He got some from a friend, and she dragged it all the way back here.

She is here now for a visit, and wanted to see how we made her pen on the lathe. So out to the garage we went. So what's the problem? SWMBO asked me to bring her camera home from work, and due to my advanced age and forgetfulness.... well you fill in the blank. She grabbed the camera we keep at home but never use....battery dead.... and walked out into the garage to see grandma turning her first pen. Yes Grandma attacked it, weilding the cursed skew, and no pictures. SWMBO wanted to attack me with the skew. Actually, I am quite peeved at myself for this one. I'm afraid we'll never see this again. So, my best night ever at the lathe, and I missed the Kodak moment.

Actually, to make things worse, my parents also both tried turning. For my mother, this was the first time she has ever touched a power tool (and she spent some time on it), and for my dad, the first time in 50 years he had used a lathe. So this pen that is going to Grandma's brother as a thank you for the wood, is a collaborative effort of 5 family members. AND NO pictures! :mad:

Paul Douglass
02-26-2009, 10:37 PM
Ah, well do what I do. I tell her "pictures are over rated anyway" and run for cover!!

Brian Kent
02-26-2009, 10:46 PM

If it's any consolation, I believe you even though you don't have pictures.


Ken Fitzgerald
02-26-2009, 10:50 PM

I'm sure Tamara will eventually forgive you.....in another life maybe!

Congrats on doing it the family way.....

BTW....what are you two doing...teaching folks to use that Evil Skew!:rolleyes:

Steve Schlumpf
02-26-2009, 11:29 PM
Brian - sounds like you had a great time! To bad about the camera(s)! Hopefully you'll get another chance for a family turning event!

Brian Effinger
02-27-2009, 12:17 AM

If it's any consolation, I believe you even though you don't have pictures.


Now that's funny! :D

And good luck Brian, you're going to need it.

Edit: It's also good to see that professional photographers have dead batteries too, and no replacements. I know I do that way too often.

Brian Brown
02-27-2009, 12:30 AM
Careful Paul. SWMBO says that Washington is close enough that she can find you and wrap her hands around your neck.... and believe me she'll do it! :D Never try to tell a portrait photographer pictures aren't important! :eek:

Brian Brown
02-27-2009, 12:34 AM
When it comes to clients, there are never any dead batteries or other stupid screw-ups. It would be deadly. However, when we're off work, we tend to be thinking of other things, like turning. Photographers may take thousands of pictures of other peoples kids, but never seem to photograph their own kids. Kind of like the woodworker that never gets that bookcase built for the wife and she ends up going to Ikea. :D

Bernie Weishapl
02-27-2009, 11:14 AM
Congrats anyway Brian. She will eventually maybe when you are old and gray let you out of the dog house.:eek::rolleyes:;) I am afraid in my 42 yrs. with the SWMBO the dog and I have become good friends. He hates it though when we have to share his house though.:D:rolleyes::rolleyes::cool:

Paul Douglass
02-27-2009, 11:29 AM
Careful Paul. SWMBO says that Washington is close enough that she can find you and wrap her hands around your neck.... and believe me she'll do it! :D Never try to tell a portrait photographer pictures aren't important! :eek:

Ahhhh!, My name is not really Paul, I don't really live in WA, I'm from another country......

This could be added to the discussion on this forum of why you shouldn't give you name and location. You might say something on this forum and they may come look'n for you!!!:eek:


Cyril Griesbach
02-27-2009, 12:41 PM
Considering the importance of the event, why didn't you just run out and get a quick disposable camera and get your pictures...or maybe some batteries for the one you did have at home?

Don Orr
02-27-2009, 12:54 PM
... all I got is OUCH!:o

Brian Brown
02-27-2009, 8:19 PM
The thought crossed my mind, but SWMBO wasn't feeling well enough, and I never got more than two inches from Grandma the whole time. At 90, she has a little difficulty standing. Turns out that SWMBO's anger was just her opening to hit me with the "I need a new camera for home, Oh, by the way, it costs $2000.00". That's OUCH. I told her to invite lots of friends over, and start looking under the sofa cushions.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-27-2009, 8:29 PM
The thought crossed my mind, but SWMBO wasn't feeling well enough, and I never got more than two inches from Grandma the whole time. At 90, she has a little difficulty standing. Turns out that SWMBO's anger was just her opening to hit me with the "I need a new camera for home, Oh, by the way, it costs $2000.00". That's OUCH. I told her to invite lots of friends over, and start looking under the sofa cushions.

Brian....if that's a "No"....it won't last long!:rolleyes:

Bernie Weishapl
02-27-2009, 10:48 PM
Brian I found out one thing after 42 yrs. The only reason you (we) wear the pants in the family is because she (they) lets you (us).:D;):rolleyes::cool: Like Ken said that won't last long.

Tamara Brown
02-27-2009, 11:26 PM
Time to chime in...SWMBO, was upset...not as upset as Brian however! He realizes that we may never get Grandma into the garage again. He is the one kicking himself, and rightly so. As for the dog house...well, I'll bet he doesn't forget my camera next time!

Ken Fitzgerald
02-27-2009, 11:30 PM
Tamara...I can understand since I'm married to a Camera Queen myself. I tease her about it...but sometimes things come along and if you have a camera you can record it....if you dont'...

Dewey Torres
02-28-2009, 2:14 AM
As long as the pen is in existence ...


Joe Mioux
02-28-2009, 5:26 AM
Didn't anyone have a cell phone with a built in camera?

Paul Douglass
02-28-2009, 10:57 AM
Sooo, what kind of a camera is she getting?

Norm Zax
02-28-2009, 11:20 AM
Such a simple solution for klik experts: either stand Grandma next to a half rounded blank in a staged photo next time she's around (Weston is turning in his grave now contemplating "the decisive moment") or ... better sit down for this one ... photomontage! You can do it! You could always say its a real situation spread over time zones. Not a complete fabrication.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-28-2009, 11:23 AM
Sooo, what kind of a camera is she getting?

Oh sure Paul.....Tamara makes her entrance on the thread and boy do you change sides quick!:rolleyes::D

Tamara Brown
02-28-2009, 12:55 PM
Oh sure Paul.....Tamara makes her entrance on the thread and boy do you change sides quick!:rolleyes::D

He is a smart man Ken! My only problem now is which lens I want with that new camera!:rolleyes:

Brian Effinger
02-28-2009, 1:04 PM
I know this may be blasphemy to a professional photographer, but what about getting a nice little (cheap) point-and-shoot for the house. I got a Canon A590 around Thanksgiving, and I love it. I feel the photos that come from it are great, and the battery life is far, far better than my 10d. The best thing was it only cost me $110 with free shipping from Amazon. Just something to think about.

Tamara Brown
02-28-2009, 1:56 PM
Brian, sadly the camera at home was a point and shoot...it had the dead battery. And no it is not blasphemy for a pro to own one...we like time off too. However, I really want a nice camera(slr) at the house, I am tired of the point and shoot delay. You know what I am talking about, the delay that happens when you push the button until when it fires. Point and shoots are bad for taking a "coffee break" between those two actions. Besides, I am used to getting what I want immediately...including an image. Don't you just feel sorry for the LOML!

By the way, he made up for part of his mistake today...he bought me a Crown 3/8 detail gouge!!!! Maybe the camera can wait a day or two!

Brian Effinger
02-28-2009, 2:13 PM
Besides, I am used to getting what I want immediately...including an image. Don't you just feel sorry for the LOML!
So I take it that your work cameras are dslr's. Nothing like instant gratification. Could you imagine shooting film - take the picture, and then several more to finish the roll, then go to the darkroom, develop the film, take it into another room and print it, then develop the print, and then go back and print it again to remove the color cast. That is like, so 15 years ago! :D :D :D :p

By the way, he made up for part of his mistake today...he bought me a Crown 3/8 detail gouge!!!! Maybe the camera can wait a day or two!
Oh don't be so nice, have him get it today. :D

Tamara Brown
02-28-2009, 3:44 PM
Could you imagine shooting film - take the picture, and then several more to finish the roll, then go to the darkroom, develop the film, take it into another room and print it, then develop the print, and then go back and print it again to remove the color cast. That is like, so 15 years ago! :D :D :D :p

I remember those days! I 'm not that young! :eek: I cut my teeth on film and the darkroom. Sometimes I miss the mystery of those days, but not enough to give up digital. :D I guess, like the rest of the world, I have joined the NOW generation!:rolleyes:

Brian Effinger
02-28-2009, 4:30 PM
I remember those days! I 'm not that young! :eek: I cut my teeth on film and the darkroom. Sometimes I miss the mystery of those days, but not enough to give up digital. :D I guess, like the rest of the world, I have joined the NOW generation!:rolleyes:
I too worked on film in my youth. B&W developing and printing in highschool, and color in college. Although I like digital, and have been digital since 2002, I still miss the "old" days. I really enjoyed the printing aspect of things.


Paul Douglass
02-28-2009, 8:29 PM
Yes siree, I thin digital cameras are one of the greatest item to come out since ..... I don't know, I love them.

Change sides... I was trying to save my life!

Tamara Brown
02-28-2009, 9:40 PM
Change sides... I was trying to save my life!

Paul, you are safe...I only torture Brian...I get more out of it that way!:D

Jim Becker
03-01-2009, 10:54 AM
The simple solution to make up for this, umm...unfortunate...situation...is to invite them over again for a turning session with cameras (video and still) ready to go!