View Full Version : Leigh jigs - ever been on sale ?

Michael Wildt
02-26-2009, 1:31 PM

Has there ever been a sale on Leigh jigs ? or are they price fixed like Festool.


Chris Rosenberger
02-26-2009, 2:13 PM
From what I have seen, they are fixed price. Most woodworking store sales exclude Leigh jigs. Sometimes you can get a deal on Ebay, but not very often.

Charles Lent
02-26-2009, 3:25 PM
They are more expensive if you buy them direct from Leigh than going to one of their distributors. Highland Woodworking in the Atlanta, GA area www.highlandwoodworking.com seem to stock everything and have better pricing. I've bought all of my Leigh jigs and accessories from them.

Other than being a loyal customer, I have no connection with either Leigh Jigs or Highland Woodworking.


Michael Wildt
02-27-2009, 9:03 AM
Thanks guys.

Rick Cicciarelli
02-27-2009, 9:21 AM
The D4R with accessory kit is the exact same price at Woodcraft. They never seem to go on sale...I've been wanting a D4R for about two years now...believe me...I've never seen them go on sale. Crazy folks on ebay tend to drive used ones up almost to the price of a new one also...so not too many deals there either....