View Full Version : Question about Jointers

Randy Cox
07-13-2004, 12:41 AM
Which is better... handwheels or the levelers? Grizzly has the 6" Z series on sale for the same price as the regular 6" but the regular 6" has handwheels. Within the next couple of weeks I am going to the Springfield store and getting a Jointer and 14" bandsaw and was wondering which Jointer is better or which you all prefer. Thanks for the input.


Dennis Peacock
07-13-2004, 12:47 AM
It's really personal preference. I have a jointer with wheels and I also have a 6" jointer with the levers. It's easier for me to fine adjust with wheels than using the levers...but a little getting used to the levers and you can do the same with them. Best idea is to try them both while in Springfield and see how you like either one. ;)

Mark Singer
07-13-2004, 12:59 AM
I perfer the levers...I have had both...I have the DJ20

07-13-2004, 1:22 PM
I've had both and would prefer handwheels. But, the price was right on a used G1018 with levers. To me, the importance is low. I rarely change the tables once setup.


Nathan Hoffman
07-13-2004, 1:31 PM
I purchased the Z series jointer about 6 months ago, and I like the levers just as well as the handwheels I previously used. When you think about it, how often do you really cut an exact amount off on the jointer anyway? Aside from the levers, the base is also nicer on the Z series and much easier to install since it is one piece.

Greg Heppeard
07-13-2004, 1:43 PM
I have the Powermatic and love it...it has the coarse adjust of the lever and the fine adjust of the screw. And ya gotta love the long bed. :D

Jim Becker
07-13-2004, 4:34 PM
My Jet had handwheels and I loved them. My Mini Max has levers...and I love them. It's really a non-issue when you get down to brass tacks, especially since most of the time, we leave our infeed table set to a constant value, such as 1/32" and never touch the outfeed side unless knives are changed. Buy the machine that gives you the most value for your investment, regardless of the table adjusting method.