View Full Version : Help on Form

Jim Evans
02-25-2009, 9:18 PM
Here's a 13" sassafras bowl, ready to turn and finish the inside.
Not sure I like the shape - I had to remove a lot of wood on the lower curve to get past a split in the wood.
I'm looking for suggestions.

Does it look too top heavy?
A bit too fat in the mid-section?

I have plenty of wood for re-shaping except at the lower part - so how about some suggestions.

Thanks for the help.

Steve Schlumpf
02-25-2009, 9:23 PM
Jim - nothing wrong with the shape as is. Just as an option - consider more of a symmetrical ogee for the outside curve. I like the size of the bowl. Should look great once finished! Nice work!

Scott Conners
02-25-2009, 9:53 PM
I actually like the curve a lot, it's nice and smooth. Very similar to a shape I use often, actually. When you go to finish the bottom I'd remove 3/16" or 1/4" off the foot, it is a bit too small for it's height right now. Here's a *very* quick image of what I mean - all I did was chop the bottom off, maybe even a tad too much.

Tony Bilello
02-25-2009, 10:28 PM
I generally dont like to critique, but in this case I figure, 'what the heck'.
The bowl shape is very nice. The only thing I would change is the base.
Just a thought

Tony B

Jarrod McGehee
02-25-2009, 10:40 PM
ya it looks good but maybe just trim off a little bit off the foot or thin out the top to complement the bottom. but trimming the bottom IMHO would be better.

Tom Steyer
02-26-2009, 12:35 PM

If you have the wood available, I would suggest reducing the diameter of the foot 20-25% and then easing the ogee from the foot to body of the bowl. As it is, the lower ogee looks too abrupt, and the foot a little too large. My 2-cent's worth.

Bob Hallowell
02-26-2009, 12:53 PM
My suggestion would be when you finish the bottom hollow out the inside of the ogee and then pull out a saw or dremel, and some files and make 3 feet for it to stand on. should look real nice that way.


Wyatt Holm
02-26-2009, 6:01 PM
Tony No, I don't like that. I like what Scott showed in his edited photo. Only I would make the base a little bit smaller(about 1/3 the diameter of the piece).

Jim Evans
02-26-2009, 6:12 PM
Thanks for everyone's replies - as soon as i can get back in the shop I'll do some editing on the form. I've liked the suggestions - for me its hard to look at something objectively, especially since I thought was it "done"

Stay tuned for the final form