View Full Version : Wolverine Jig on a Grizzly T10010?

Edward Garrett
02-25-2009, 5:38 PM
Hi all - I am just starting my jopurney into turning, and I am having trouble sharpening my tools....partly due to my inexperience and partly due to my shaky hands (an old Army carryover). I am looking for a good, relatively inexpensive jig to help me with my sharpening. I have a Grizzly T10010 wet-grinder w/a 10" wheel...

Does anybody know if the Wolverine sharpening jig will "fit" under the T10010 grinder? The pictures look like it goes directly under the sharpening wheel, which on the Grizzly is obscured by the base of the grinder....I was thinking I could build a platform under which the Wolverine could fit, I am just not sure if it would throw-off the sharpening angle for the Wolverine.

Thanks in advance!

Cyril Griesbach
02-25-2009, 5:44 PM
Edward, as this grinder in a knock off of the Tormek I'd say that the Wolverine system is the wrong way to go. I suggest you look into the Tormek turning gouge jigs for this. I'm sure some of the Tormek owners will chime in on this for you.

David Walser
02-25-2009, 6:12 PM
Well, the Tormek jigs are superior to the Wolverine jig, but that doesn't mean the Wolverine wouldn't work -- assuming it can be made to fit. I don't see why you couldn't make a platform for the Grizzly wet grinder to sit on and put the Wolverine underneath it. But I've not seen it done and don't want anybody spending good money on something that won't work based on my rank speculation.

Kyle Iwamoto
02-25-2009, 6:22 PM
Do you have the Grizzky (Tormek clone) sharpener already? If you do, why don't you just buy the Tormek gouge jig? It's cheaper than the Wolverine jig.
People here will all disagree which is "better" but I would say go high speed or wet, but not half way. I can see no point to even try to adapt the Wolverine to a Tormek style sharpener. You get he worst of both worlds. Slow and not as versatile. The Tormek can reproduce just about any profile you want.
If you can't decide to go wet or dry, you can try search through the 178 threads on which is "better". Only you can make that choice.

Bernie Weishapl
02-25-2009, 6:29 PM
A friend of mine tried to make the wolverine jig work with the Jet wet grinder which is similar to the Tormek. He said it did not work real well and myself I would say it didn't work at all but that is just my opinion. I have the Tormek with the woodturning jigs and they work great.

Gordon Seto
02-25-2009, 8:03 PM
Do a Googel search on "mjonesrdg jet wolverine". The result will have the result on AAW on the Wolverine with Jet wet grinder, which is similar.

Sorry, I can't post the direct link here.

Edward Garrett
02-25-2009, 11:47 PM
Thanks guys - your feedback has been very helpful....I will be spending some time learning more about the Tormek jigs...MUCH APPRECIATED!