View Full Version : Counting the days!!

Jason White
02-25-2009, 12:33 PM
Anybody else counting the days until it's warm enough to make some sawdust out in the garage??

Calvin Crutchfield
02-25-2009, 12:40 PM
Yes, in about 5 mins. California weather and unemployment has it's privileges!

Scott Busse
02-25-2009, 12:52 PM
I put in a gas heater last fall so no problem here

John Thompson
02-25-2009, 12:54 PM

Ya'll come see us in the sunny south... :)


Karlan Talkington
02-25-2009, 1:00 PM

Its probably not as cold here as it is in Boston but yeah.. I'm countin' the days. I have a garage shop that I have yet to convert fully into an all season (as much as possible) shop so when it gets cold my time in the shop is limited.

I have several projects I've been planning during the winter and looking forward to getting started.

Sorry to hear about the unemployment Calvin but I will say I do miss/envy the CA weather.

Sarge, I would happily borrow some of your warmer weather as well. Just for the weekend, I promise.


Jim O'Dell
02-25-2009, 1:07 PM
73 and heading up. Plenty warm. A/C is on here in the office. Wish I could get out in the shop and make some saw dust today!! Jim.

Carlos Alden
02-25-2009, 2:48 PM
It's been up to low 40's here last few days, warmest since November. Snow is melting, and being in the garage is...tolerable. I need to get to some finishing projects that cannot be done under 55.


Don Bullock
02-25-2009, 2:48 PM
Here it's definitely warm enough. I just need to get the contractor who's working on the house to finish and get all his "stuff" out so I can start moving all my equipment.:eek:

Bruce Page
02-25-2009, 3:03 PM
I put in a gas heater a few years ago so it's not an issue for me.
I won't need it this weekend tho, it's supposed to be in the mid 70's here!

Greg Narozniak
02-25-2009, 3:09 PM
Just filled up the heater with the last bit of Kerosene that I had. For the amount I get to be out there that should last me until spring.

Paul Ryan
02-25-2009, 5:04 PM
I have been working on a off this winter. Yesterday it was 50 outside and in the shop but I had to work. The day before that, it was below zero in the morning and only managed 15. Today it was about 32 (good working weather) but I had to work my real job. Tommarow it is suposed to be cold again around zero. hopefully one of these days old man winter will leave and I can get started on a big project. 20 degrees and above I am alright but I perfer a little warmer. 35 feels like a heat wave. And 50 yesterday it was shorts and t-shirts weather. Good luck to all.

Steve H Graham
02-25-2009, 5:17 PM
Yes, in about 5 mins. California weather and unemployment has it's privileges!

You suck.

Oh, wait. I'm in Miami.

Larry Edgerton
02-25-2009, 5:34 PM
I have been doing site work most of the winter and turned the heat totally off in my shop. I have some shop work, but it is stuff I can delay until the cold backs off, but now I am out of site work, so I turned on the heater today. Costs me about $1200 to heat my shop in the coldest months, too hard to make money.

Peter Quinn
02-25-2009, 9:01 PM
My shop is below ground. I am a ground hog wood worker! Never gets too hot, never gets below 55 degrees, which is just fine for me but not so fine for spraying water born finishes. This year I will be adding heat for sure for just that reason. I would love to get out to my garage to do some finishing, but it is too cold and too full of wood to get any use out of it right now. Never really have made any saw dust out there though.

Bill Huber
02-25-2009, 9:12 PM
Jason, I know what you mean, here I set on the computer when I could be out in the shop... It's only 71 right now I guess that is just to cold to be in the shop. But then tomorrow it's going to be 85 so maybe I can get out there a little.:D:D

Dave Lehnert
02-25-2009, 9:22 PM
I have to do my woodworking in the winter. Lawn work takes care of most my summer time. I work outdoors so it has to get below 30 before I pick up a coat.

Leo Graywacz
02-25-2009, 9:43 PM
Don't worry. Bit griping about the heat soon enough. Hope we have a real spring. Usually just a week or so then the hot temps crash in. Was 23* this morning.

Mark Godlesky
02-26-2009, 12:32 AM
I'm not. Summer is a bummer for woodworking here. By June my garage will hit 90 degrees and won't drop below that until October.

Brian Kerley
02-26-2009, 5:26 AM
Well, seeing as how it was 85 yesterday, I'd say I have been counting the days until it gets too hot to work in the garage past 1PM.

Chris Kennedy
02-26-2009, 7:00 AM
It could be warmer here for working, but it is possible.

Actually I am counting the days until my fractured wrist heals and I can actually do some woodworking, regardless of the temperature.



keith ouellette
02-26-2009, 8:20 AM
I'm counting the days till when its so hot and humid that my little ac unit can hardly keep my little shop cool enough ti keep me from drowning in my own sweat.

Wally Knight
02-26-2009, 9:34 AM

Ya'll come see us in the sunny south... :)


Ain't it wonderful here? The coldest my shop has been is about 46. Used a small electric heater for about 5 days and that's it.

Jason White
02-27-2009, 3:49 PM
You're killin' me, Bill!

Believe it or not, it's actually 60 here in Boston right now!! Warmest it's been all winter. Windy as hell, though. I don't expect it to stay warm for long, though. Winter's not done with us yet!


Jason, I know what you mean, here I set on the computer when I could be out in the shop... It's only 71 right now I guess that is just to cold to be in the shop. But then tomorrow it's going to be 85 so maybe I can get out there a little.:D:D

Rob Diz
02-27-2009, 3:55 PM
Spend a few franklins and get a Dayton electric 220 v heater for your garage. It was one of the best investments I made to my shop - that and some insulation. The added benefit is that my tools don't "sweat" during that time of the year when the temp hovers aroudn the dew point.

Any I have a ready supply of scraps to throw in the fireplace when I ww in the winger:o

Jerry Todd
02-27-2009, 3:59 PM
We have lots of homes for sale in the Sunshine State. You can even ride a motorcycle year around.


Rod Sheridan
02-27-2009, 5:46 PM
I'm not looking forward to making dust in the garage at all.

The cylinders from Dianns bike are out getting re-bored so no dust is allowed.

I am however looking forward to motorcycle weather....Rod.