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View Full Version : A Last Salute....

Sonny Edmonds
02-24-2009, 1:23 AM
Attended the funeral service for my SIL's Grandpa tonight.
Clarence P. Steese
He will be buried with Military Honors tomorrow in Riverside National Cemetery.
Grandpa, as we knew him, and The Oldest Grandpa, as his 11 great grand children knew him, was a Veteran of WWII and a survivor of the Invasion of Normandy.
God Rest an Old Solder.
And Thanks be to you, and every Solder, I am writing this in English.
He was 89 years old.
7/7/1919 to 2/8/2009
"We are Free, Because of Men Such as These."

Dewey Torres
02-24-2009, 1:34 AM
Yes Sonny we are almost the the end of the WWII survivors and it is sad. Hats off!

Glen Dion
02-24-2009, 5:12 AM
Hi Sonny,

Been awhile old friend.
Sad to catch up to you under these circumstances.
Your proud, no doubt and rightfully so.
In fact, I don't recall if your a veteran or not. But, I've always known you to be respectfull and champion those who have served.
For that I thank you. And perhaps SIL's Grandpa can take some credit for instilling that in you.



Belinda Barfield
02-24-2009, 8:01 AM
May he rest in peace.

Phyllis Meyer
02-24-2009, 9:34 AM

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and family, and our family would like to thank Grandpa for his service to our country!!


travis howe
02-24-2009, 12:05 PM
God Bless Sonny. A hero in the truest of forms. My grandfather was a tank driver in WWII, was a true inspiration for my military service.



Jack Dickey
02-25-2009, 12:34 AM
RIP Grandpa ..

Ben Davis
02-25-2009, 6:49 AM
As Dewey and I would say, Bravo Zulu!

Ed Frie
02-25-2009, 8:07 AM
As a veteran, I will add my salute to the Oldest Grampa.

Anyone who survived Normandy deserves all the respect we can give. And those that didn't deserve more. I am sure your Grampa would have agreed.

Jack Dickey
02-25-2009, 8:16 PM
As Dewey and I would say, Bravo Zulu!

I'd say that too

and add

Fair Winds and Following Seas

Al Willits
02-26-2009, 12:14 PM
Wife works at the VA credit union and comes home with stories the old Vets tell her, unfortunately occasionally she comes home with tears in her eye and I know what's happened.

Thanks and condolences to all Vets, past and present.

My tag line says it all.


Jon Grider
02-26-2009, 5:04 PM
Thoughts and prayers to your family. It is truly a loss for us as a nation as our vets pass on. That generation has a determination and selfless integrity that has set a standard for us younger generations to aspire to.