View Full Version : Jet Mini Tool Post Lever Stripped - Where to get a new one?

Scott Conners
02-23-2009, 11:00 PM
I was roughing a few bowls tonight, having a grand old time because I found a stash of nice wet wood I'd forgotten I had - it's quite a nice respite from the rock hard olive and locust I've been working on. The tool rest slipped on me as I was roughing a blank, and when I went to tighten the locking lever, the teeth of the adjustable lever stripped! I took it apart, and the teeth on the inside of the actual cast handle are pretty much gone. The teeth on the screw itself look fine, but the soft cast metal of the lever handle just gave up. I plan on calling WMH in the morning to see if they'll send me a new one, but it's a frustrating thing to have happen. I was working on a beautiful piece of wood I'd just remembered having, and was very excited to have found it again before it split so badly as to be unusable. The turner who sold it to me is a tree guy, and he said he hadn't seen one of these trees in 20 years. I don't remember what it is exactly, but it may be a type of oak - lots of interesting radial grain and a beautiful red heartwood - I'll post pictures once I can actually turn it.
I have a few days off right now (currently searching for work actually), and was hoping to work my way through my back stock of wood, but I need that lever to be able to turn! Does anyone know if that's something I'll need to get from WMH, or would I be able to find a replacement locally here in southern CA?

Ken Fitzgerald
02-23-2009, 11:21 PM
Scott...on my Jet VS 1014....the tool rest handle and the quill lock were interchangeable. I swapped them and used that until WMH sent me some new ones. They were reasonably priced so I ordered a couple extras.

Jon McCoy
02-24-2009, 12:10 AM
Same on my 1220, except while I waited for the WMH replacement, I epoxied the handle back onto the screw so I could keep turning. The replacement's been on the shelf for about a year, keep forgetting to swap it out. :)


Scott Conners
02-24-2009, 12:28 AM
I tried the quill lock, unfortunately it is a shorter screw, and bottoms out before it engages the toolpost. :(

Great idea Jon! I may be turning again sooner than I thought, thanks!

Steve Campbell
02-24-2009, 8:55 AM
Scott just take your post screw with you to the hardware store and get a bolt with the same threads. Just use a wrench to tighten it until you can get a new one. I have a little General lathe that has broken two of those.


John Shuk
02-24-2009, 10:02 AM
That happened on my 1236 and Jet sent me a new one as well as a tool rest @ no charge.

Scott Conners
02-24-2009, 9:19 PM
Well my first call to WMH resulted in being bounced around departments to finally be told it would be $7.99 for the part plus $8.95 shipping! It was the representative in the parts department who finally asked about the age of the lathe (9 months) and which exact part was broken, and said that it should be covered under warranty. I called back later once I had gotten my serial number and the first person to talk to me was much more helpful, sending out a new lever in short order under warranty.
I tried epoxy on the broken lever, but I didn't have time to let it cure before testing, so we'll have to see tomorrow if it will work temporarily until the replacement arrives.

Dick Strauss
02-25-2009, 12:52 AM
You can always find a bolt that fits to bend (after heating) into an L shape. It's not as good as the original, but will give you what you need in 5 minutes.