View Full Version : Did My Ears Deceived Me?

Tony De Masi
02-23-2009, 4:11 PM
So, my wife and I moved last month to what will be our next to final move, the last being the permanent one of course. I was "allowed" to take 600 sf of the basement for my shop to which I am thrilled as my last basement shop was 150 sf. Two days after moving into the house I was in the shop trying to figure out the best layout for the tools when SWMBO came in and said, " ya know, you really need to have a good vacuum system here and you should get the best available". :D To say the least I was stunned so I said what I usually say when I hear words coming out of her mouth, "yes dear". So off to Oneida Air went my diagrams and other pertinent info for their recommendation. I spent about 45 minutes on the phone today with their rep going over everything he needed to know in order to make his recommendation. Not sure what he is going to recommend just yet but for those who may be on the fence right now they are offering a free remote system, some sort of dust deputy for a shop vac, and free planning and schematic no matter what system you buy. That's about a $350 dollar value.

Of course I have to completely wire the shop and put on the wall sheathing but I am excited none the less.


Chris Padilla
02-23-2009, 5:08 PM
'Round these parts, Tony, we calla woman like that "A Keeper"! :D

What kinda height restrictions do you have in the basement shop?

Tony De Masi
02-23-2009, 5:13 PM
'Round these parts, Tony, we calla woman like that "A Keeper"! :D

What kinda height restrictions do you have in the basement shop?

Chris, I've been saying "yes dear" to her since I was 15 and I'm now 51, so ya she's a keeper for sure.

My finished height is going to a couple of inches under 8' so I know I'm going to be restricted as to product but I look forward to upgrading from my Delta single stage. It's just me in a hobby shop running one machine at a time so I know they have something for me.
