View Full Version : What species is this?

Tom Hamilton
02-22-2009, 6:50 PM
I dug a blank out of the stash today and the label was missing.


It is heavy, dense, and produces a fine dark mustard dust. The dust turned pink when I washed my hands. Turning produced more dust than shavings yet there is not "punk" in the blank. The pics show the turning after application of BLO.


I wore a dust mask and had the fan blowing on high speed over my shoulder thinking I don't want to be dancing with this elixir.

Any thoughts on the nature of this blank.

Thanks, Tom

Dean Thomas
02-22-2009, 6:57 PM
Teak or one of the olive species, maybe? From the color that I interpret from what you've posted, those might fit. Have not turned teak and can't tell from your description, and I've turned about 4 species of olive and each was different, but so long ago that I can't remember any characteristics about how any of them turned.

Robert McGowen
02-22-2009, 7:04 PM
Since we get to guess, I would say some type of rosewood. I have turned olive wood numerous times and it smelled just like olives. (go figure!) No idea about the pink sawdust.

Bernie Weishapl
02-22-2009, 7:29 PM
Don't know the wood but a great looking bowl.

Marc Himes
02-22-2009, 7:35 PM
Hi Tom. I think the table is Oak. ;) The great looking bowl looks like it might be Canary Wood. I just bought some as a gift for my son and it looks very similar. I don't know about the sawdust but Lignum Vitae produces a fine waxy dust and has grain similar to Canary Wood. Its green color is distinctive but the two woods may be related.

That is a very beautiful bowl.

Marc Himes

Mark Singer
02-22-2009, 7:37 PM
Teak or canary

Bonnie Campbell
02-22-2009, 8:27 PM
Another vote for canary wood.

Tom Hamilton
02-22-2009, 9:33 PM
Good to hear from all of you, thanks for the suggestions.

The brain cells are saying I bought a Canary wood blank one time on a trip. So for now I'm in line with Mark and Bonnie! Pretty good company don't you think?

Robert how is your knee? Healed fully functional?

Best regards, Tom

Ken Fitzgerald
02-22-2009, 10:32 PM
Tom.....It looks like some of the canary wood I've turned. Beautiful form, finish and wood BTW!

Ken Fitzgerald
02-22-2009, 10:36 PM
Ken do you have Tourette Syndrome

No I just happen to hit an odd set of keyboard keys and got multiple duplicates.....

Tom Hamilton
02-26-2009, 5:43 PM
You all did so well on the last identification I'm coming back to the fountain of knowledge.

This blank also lost it's label. Very dense and heavy wood, tight grain, the orange color is true following the BLO and wipe on finish.

During turning, tools dulled quickly and I observed a a "crystalline" structure in the fibers; like very tiny grains of sand or quartz reflecting light.


The form is inspired by a spalted piece that another Creeker showed a week or ten days ago. Unfortunately I failed to save the post and don't have his name.


Thanks for any assistance,

All the best, Tom

Tom Hamilton
02-26-2009, 8:56 PM
Shameless Bump

David Christopher
02-26-2009, 9:04 PM
Tom, beautiful bowl....maybe some kind of mahogany ????? Ive got some pieces of mahogany that looks alot like that

Allen Neighbors
02-27-2009, 12:02 AM
Tom, Ipe/Paulope also makes yellow dust that turns pink/bloody when wet. But I know your beautiful piece isn't Ipe. But man, it sure is pretty!

Paul Douglass
02-27-2009, 11:31 AM
Haven't got a clue, but you sure do beautiful work!