View Full Version : 2nd vase

Kirk Miller
02-21-2009, 2:55 PM
I am afraid I didn't do this beautiful piece of wood justice with my limited skills. I do like the vase but, if I got a do over it would look a bit different. It is a piece of birch from my wood pile. I have just treated it with Danish Oil. I am trying to decide what to put on it next. I am going back and forth between Det spray Semi, or Deft spray Satin. Let me know what you think.

P.S. I have churned through the pile and havn't found a piece spalted like this one. I am thinking of sacrificing some beer on it this spring. I sure wish my neighbor wouldn't have moved his woodpile inside his Dogs kennel.........lol

alex carey
02-21-2009, 3:10 PM
Its a good piece and the grain is great, love the spalting. The only thing I would have done different is make the neck longer and the lip shorter. For your second vase that is damn good though. well done.

Kirk Miller
02-21-2009, 3:24 PM
Its a good piece and the grain is great, love the spalting. The only thing I would have done different is make the neck longer and the lip shorter. For your second vase that is damn good though. well done.

Thank you Alex. Your suggestions were my exact feelings. I worked it for quite a bit taking it on and off the lathe and observing. I finally had enough and took it off and started finishing it. I was afraid of being too critical and messing the whole thing up. It was after it was getting the finish on it that I saw what would have made it better. It is going on display in the house anyway I am happy with it. Our local club is having a juried exhibit soon I think I will enter it in there. There is an award for the best novice entry. There is no better award than compliments on it after you tell people you made it yourself.

Steve Schlumpf
02-21-2009, 3:34 PM
Kirk - that's a good looking vase! Beautiful wood! When it comes to form - we always see things that we can change or do a little different the next time - it's how we grow. Hope you do well with the juried show! Also hope you can find some more of that wood! Very nice work!

Bernie Weishapl
02-21-2009, 6:19 PM
Great looking vase and good luck on the juried show. Don't be to critical. It is a learning process. I found I could have changed something on everything I have turned so I just quit doing that. I take what I got.

Richard Madison
02-21-2009, 7:34 PM
Looks like you have a great shot at the novice category. Like Bernie I have never made a piece that I was 100% satisfied with. But you get closer with experience.

Some things to try in future; make the bottom diameter smaller (about 1/3 of the widest place) and round it into the base rather than leaving it square; make the neck and top "lip" much smaller; the lip could be a little larger or smaller than the base diameter. Just some thoughts.

02-21-2009, 7:44 PM

Consider compliments given. I think it is very good for your second vase. Good luck on the juried show, it LQQKS like a winner to me.


David Christopher
02-21-2009, 7:45 PM
Kirk, I like your vase. I think you did a good job and the wood is nice too..everybody would do a little different if they had a ( do over ) but like Bernie said just keep what you have

Jim Kountz
02-22-2009, 1:31 PM
I havent done anything like this but I do like what I see with yours. If its only your 2nd one I think your beating yourself up a bit. Looks great!!

Kirk Miller
02-22-2009, 8:35 PM
I thank you for all the compliments. Trust me I am very tickled with the outcome. I just always look for someway I can improve things. I enjoy hearing everyones suggestions, and I agree with all of them. I enjoyed working on it so much I have decided what I am doing for Mothers day this year.........:)