View Full Version : Matching Donations Offer

Ken Salisbury
07-10-2004, 8:58 AM
Waymon Cambell has made a gracious offer of matching members' donations to the Freedom Pen Project up to a maximum amount of $2,000.00. Please see the following thread on the FP Forum for details.


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Requests for free kits have been rising rapidly due to more and more project exposure. Our key to success is to maintain a solvent fund to satisfy the requests for kits.

To date the bulkbuy/freekit program has supplied 9,485 kits to our turners.

How To Make A Donation (http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/donations.htm)

Ken Salisbury
07-16-2004, 8:43 AM
We are letting Waymon off the hook here :) . We need more responses to his generous offer to match donations.