View Full Version : Lyptus supplier?

Terry Sparks
02-18-2009, 1:40 PM
Hello all,
It's been awhile since I've visited the Creek, as four kids in college keeps my nose to the grindstone everyday with my real job. I am planning to do a face lift in my kitchen and would like to replace my old tile counter top with a Lyptus counter top to surprise the wife. What I'm needing for the project is 5/4 or 6/4 Lyptus and I am having difficulty finding a supplier for this, as my local hardwood dealer (Santa Barbara, CA) will only sell me 3/4 Lyptus flooring, so I'm needing to mail order the material.

If anyone can contact me with a name for a supplier, I would be very thankful for the help.


Benjamin Dahl
02-18-2009, 5:30 PM
it has been a while since I visited this lyptus site:
they have a 1-800# and might be able to help. I thought that before you could find dealers on the site but I could not this time. i only looked briefly so it may still be there.

Brian Kent
02-18-2009, 5:38 PM
Reel Lumber in Anaheim had some awhile back. I haven't checked recently. Here is their website to get contact info:



David DeCristoforo
02-18-2009, 6:24 PM
What do you consider "your area" to be? There is a JE Higgins yard in Santa Maria which is about 70 miles north of you. They carry Lyptus.

Chris Padilla
02-18-2009, 6:30 PM
I dunno, David...where's the line that divides SoCal from NoCal?? ;) Then there is you Centralers who want your own piece of the pie. :D

David DeCristoforo
02-18-2009, 6:37 PM
Hey... I don't want nuttin' Get off my case whydoncha? I ain't one of those Volvo drivin' sandal wearin' gray bearded liberals ya know. I'm only here 'cause my truck broke down a few years back when I was passin' through.....