View Full Version : A New Challenge

Richard Gillespie
02-17-2009, 12:04 PM
I haven't posted for a long time. In fact, I lost much of my interest in woodworking two years ago. Knew it would be just a matter of time till it came back.

Was given yesterday, a Stanley 45 and transition plane by a friend who I hadn't seen for 22 years. My wife and I stay in touch with his parents and sister on a regular basis. He inherited the planes many years ago from his Grandfather and he doesn't do woodworking. I first met his Grandfather when my wife and I were married 39 years ago. He said he considered us to members of the family and wanted them to go to a woodworker.

Though I'm out of state now and won't get back to my shop till mid March, I look forward to cleaning them up, tuning and sharpening them to boot. I'll use the planes to build a box to store the 45 and its blades in. This is my third 45, I will treasure it as much as the others. One of the others is from my Great Grandfather. His is still in the original cardboard box. The other was a gift from friends without a box, so I built one.

Like the other box, this will be made using Neanderthal processes, scrub plane, hand cut dovetails, raised panel top and bottoms with sliding lid. The new 45 will be used to cut the rabbits for the top and bottom.

Hope this wasn't too boring to read.

John Dykes
02-17-2009, 12:21 PM
Hardly boring... you forget where you are!

I'm sure there are many like me that relish this story. Many of us have lived, will live this same story... We picture your tools, the smell of the wood, the sound of the tools, and the box you will build. We share it with you.

And having tools handed down from family - or extended family - makes the story even more special!

Glad you're back!

Jose Kilpatrick
02-17-2009, 12:23 PM
I always find projects as gifts and sentimental items to demand more of my attention and accuracy. Always a joy to do as you know the finished product will be one that is hard to let go.

Eric Brown
02-19-2009, 12:43 PM
Just wondering if you will do anything special to the box that tells the tools history. One suggestion is to chip carve the prior owners name into the bottom, along with dates and your name too. Remember reading a story about a mantle maker who carves your family history (with pictures) into the mantle.

Enjoy the tools. Eric

Richard Gillespie
02-19-2009, 10:49 PM
Just wondering if you will do anything special to the box that tells the tools history. One suggestion is to chip carve the prior owners name into the bottom, along with dates and your name too. Remember reading a story about a mantle maker who carves your family history (with pictures) into the mantle.

Enjoy the tools. Eric

Interesting and thought provoking, I have about another month before we get back home. That will give me time to decide what to do. Thanks for the suggestion.

Dewey Torres
02-19-2009, 10:51 PM
Do it up right and make it a one of a Kind!!!!

Good to have you back!:)