View Full Version : a good day

curtis rosche
02-15-2009, 8:58 PM
today, early this morning i was at a church event raising money fo world hunger from 8am yesterday till 8am this morning. then when i got home, after some sleep, i got to open presents for my birthday since i turned 17 today. i got a bunch of wood blanks. osage, walnut, olive wood. i also got a walnut burl. and then i got to spend the rest of the day turning. if i finish anything tommorow i will post it. i did bend the tommybars for my chuck though, i guess i should use a hole hand to squeeze them together. just use the other end of them? or get 1/4 inch bars?

Steve Schlumpf
02-15-2009, 9:04 PM
Curtis - Happy Birthday and congrats on all the wood! Glad you were able to spend the day turning! Looking forward to seeing the results real soon!

Oh, just to let you know, I have my birthday written down somewhere so I don't have to remember it! Just wish I remembered where I put the note....

John Nowack
02-15-2009, 9:05 PM
you will have to change your signature now

"One substitute for experience is age,---15-16 years, for example:D

that one don't fly anymore

Don Carter
02-15-2009, 9:08 PM
Happy Birthday Curtis!
Take it easy on those tommy bars.:rolleyes:
Looking forward to seeing your work.

All the best.


Toney Robertson
02-15-2009, 9:30 PM
Happy Bday Curtis.

17!!! I think I was that young. I am like Steve - I don't remember.

I envy you and the lifetime of turning pleasure that you will have.


Ted Shrader
02-15-2009, 9:42 PM
Curtis -

Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on all the blanks and the turning you got to do for "The Day".


charlie knighton
02-15-2009, 10:00 PM
happy birthday

02-15-2009, 10:18 PM

Happy Birthday and ease up on those tommy bars.
And congrats on all of your efforts.


Bernie Weishapl
02-15-2009, 10:28 PM
Happy Birthday Curtis and congrats on the wood. I will be celebrating my 23rd anniversary of my 39th birthday next month. :eek::rolleyes:;):cool:

alex carey
02-16-2009, 4:09 AM
Congrats on the wood and happy birthday. My birthday was on the 4th, except I'm 2 years older. I think you and I might be the youngest turners on the forum.

Jeff Nicol
02-16-2009, 7:32 AM
Curtis, Happy birthday! Like I said I have shoes older than you! Sounds like a good haul for the day! But why so much pressure on the tommy bars?:confused: Must be the youthful exuberance! Have fun!!

Another medium old man in the vortex!


curtis rosche
02-16-2009, 10:02 AM
alex, i think be is the youngest. speaking of which, has any one seen ben around latley?

Jim Becker
02-16-2009, 2:46 PM
Happy Birthday, Curtis!

Gary Kvasnicka
02-16-2009, 7:31 PM
Happy Birthday, Curtis! I am also 17.....with 30 years experience.:D

Jim Kountz
02-16-2009, 10:09 PM
Happy B-day Curtis and looking forward to seeing what you do with all that wood!!

Mark Hix
02-16-2009, 10:18 PM
Happy birthday......someday, I want to be 17.