View Full Version : Creek Waders Weekend Accomplishments.

Dennis Peacock
03-17-2003, 12:46 AM
Well.....another weekend has come and gone.....they sure seem to keep getting shorter and shorter.. :)

I got the STOOLS done this weekend and delivered them today!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!! Woodworking is a LOT better as a hobby and not a "bidness"........Worked on "other stuff" this weekend as well as hope to start a new project this coming week.

That's it for me.....now....what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of Weeks....

Greg Phillips
03-17-2003, 2:43 AM
Worked on my taxes and spent a couple of hours in the shop setting up my new Leigh FMT. Cut my first joint with it--perfection! Man, that is a great tool. Now only 120 mortise and tenons to go and the crib will be done!



Glenn Clabo
03-17-2003, 6:04 AM
This...Weekend work (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1038)

Dr. Zack Jennings
03-17-2003, 7:19 AM
<center> Storage Cabinet</center>

I assembled the carcass of my cabinet and built faceframes, doors and top. I'm applying finish this week and need hinges. I can't get the ones I want here and I'm not driving 90 miles to Little Rock so I better order some.

Mike Brewster
03-17-2003, 7:40 AM
I dropped three trees that should have been down in Feb. I havent bucked one of the trunks yet, I'm going to see if there's a wood mizer around here somewhere. It looks too nice to be fire wood. Besides, I have about 5 cords already. That's about as close to woodworking as I get lately.


John Miliunas
03-17-2003, 7:50 AM
As intended, got my shop door painted, basement window trim cut, milled, routed, stained and 1st coat of clear. Misc. odd 'n ends and turned my first Corian pen. Have a great week, all and be careful out there! :cool:

Rob Russell
03-17-2003, 8:07 AM
Finally got the new machines and a Vidmar cabinet out of the garage, around the house and down the hatchway. Yee hah!

Randy Miller
03-17-2003, 8:58 AM
My weekend was going from:</p>

Some bumps along the way, I'm planning on putting together a full review and instructions, but for now I'm one happy turner!!!

Looks like the images didn't work: Here's a link to the other thread:


keith zimmerman
03-17-2003, 11:48 AM
Well, I was able to complete the installation of the batten on the outside of my shop on Saturday, and I started turning a dry ash bowl. Those shavings sure are hot when the wood is dry.

On Sunday, I retrofitted a small window in the South wall of my shop and finished the insulation of the wall. I moved my lathe to that wall and now have full access to my workbench and have a full 6' of floor space in which to work.

I could have done more, but LOML was a bit under the weather and I had kid watching duty for part of each day.

Still, I am pleased that I managed to get some planned stuff accomplished.

Von Bickley
03-17-2003, 12:57 PM
The only shop time I had this weekend was disignated for clean-up. Spent most of Saturday cleaning the shop. It was a mess with sawdust everywhere. Now it's time to start a new project.

Keith Outten
03-17-2003, 4:48 PM
Lets see! I am always sanding plaques, this is a job that never ends so whenever I have a few minutes I try to sand a few plaques and not turn it into a major session.

Got some graphics work done Saturday, scanned three college diplomas, two certificates and a HS diploma getting ready to engrave them. This is one of the reasons I use so many plaques. I also am working on a bolt plaque that I think everyone will appreciate and a few other projects that might possibly raise an eyebrow or two :)

Started designing a wood mizer fixture that will allow me to resaw lumber on my neighbors saw mill. I should start building the fixture tomorrow and hopefully it will be completed in a day or so, can't wait to test it out. I will post pictures of the rig when we use it the first time.

Last night Aaron and I engraved the first two SawMill Creek stainless steel coffee mugs. We need to make a couple of adjustments to the graphic before we can share the pictures with everyone.

Kevin Post
03-17-2003, 5:16 PM
The temperature this weekend approached 70 degrees here in Wisconsin. Last week it was below zero. No work was even attempted.

I did nothing but play with the kids this weekend (boys ages 2 and 5). We ran around outside and finished up Saturday by going to Chucky Cheese. Sunday we went to the park and flew kites, played on the swings and rode bikes. The evening meal was cooked on the BBQ. After dinner, we played with Hot Wheel cars and the Brio train set. Just before bed we watched Shrek on DVD.

I keep looking at the big pile of stuff I should have been working on around the house but I just can't stop smiling. Those little guys are too much fun. :D


Phil Phelps
03-17-2003, 5:58 PM
...aint. Lot's of clean up. I got in a little golf, too. I had two holes in one, but didn't want to post and upstage Ken!! :p

Bruce Page
03-17-2003, 7:07 PM
After cutting dozens of mortise & tennons over the years, I cut my first angled tennons Saturday. They’re part of the cherry/birdseye-maple Heirloom Cradle that I’m making for my future Granddaughter. They took me a lot longer than it would’ve taken Norm…

Bruce Page
03-17-2003, 7:09 PM
assembled - kinda

Matthew Curley
03-18-2003, 3:32 AM
Well, got most of the list done, but not the important part...

Saturday, shuffled through the morning doing daddy time, and a trip to HD. Afternoon spent finishing the plumbing for the shower and re-hanging the greenboard for the surround (will just need to prime and then glue up the surround... an end in sight).

Sunday, disappointed because the weather didn't work out for the Flea-market, but ended up finding a great nursery in Petaluma (4 cities south, and LOML was happy) and stumbled upon a yard sale where we picked up a great haul (12-15 pieces, some matching sets) of wrought iron fru-fru and a folding steel bench for LOML and two pieces of glass for me. One of the pieces 2'x3' 1/2" thick will be for a scary sharp station and for lapping planes. The other one I don't know what I'm going to do with yet but it is 3'x3' and 3/4"thick... I just couldn't pass it up... oh, yeah it cost me a whopping $22 (LOML and I were expecting 60-80)
After that went to my parent's house, handed LOML and LOML Jr. off to Nana, and went out into the shop with my Dad and got the shell on the utility cabinet, cleaned up a saw handle, and put the first coat of Tung oil on it (this is only the 3rd time in my life that I using a finish that doesn't have the word Paint on the can)
Sat down to a great (early) St Patty's Day family dinner (Corned Beef and Cabbage with my mom's soda bread from my GGGrandmother's recipe, born and raised in County Donegal)

The important part that didn't get done is the newest addition to the family... He's stayin' where it's warm... Can't say as I can blame him, I am just looking forward to meeting him.

All in all (to quote a true gentleman and a scholar) "A ROCKIN' GOOD WEEKEND"

D.McDonnel "Mac"
03-18-2003, 7:52 AM
It was a really nice weekend here in Indiana, in the 70's! I had a lot to do and my wife left with the oldest daughter for a week of visiting her family in NC, VA & DC. So I get to be Mr. Mom this week along with starting a new job assignment at work, unfortunately it is now a 30 minute commute instead of 5 min, :(

I did get a chance to throw open the doors on the shop for a while on Sunday while the kids entertained themselves. I'm working on a 4' pine bench for my sister to use at school (late Christmas present!).

That's about it. Not much time for Forums this week. Have a good week everybody!

John Sanford
03-18-2003, 3:40 PM
Well, I DIDN'T do any motorcycling. harrumph.

Spent part of Saturday gathering some landscaping supplies and info, then picking, shoveling, and screening dirt. Soon I'll have a paver patio.

I'd planned on finishing it up Sunday, but woke up to the steady drip, drip, drip of dihydrous oxide relocating from the atmosphere to the ground. Nuts! No motorcycling for Sunday. (Las Vegas roads are NASTY slippery when it rains.) Didn't feel like swinging the pick in the rain either.

So, I finished up two cabinet slide-outs for my kitchen island. I'd only started them 4+ months ago, then they'd languished. All done now. :)

Jim Stastny
03-18-2003, 3:59 PM
Caught the momma of head/chest colds. Still feeling like I took on the entire Chicago Bears defensive line.

On Friday I managed to take a young fella (11 years old) from my church to the Chantilly, VA WW show. His dad is with the USAF and is over with the gulf troops. The young man had a great time. We saw Marc Adams cut dovetails by hand. Now he wants to try:)