View Full Version : Jet Mini Hot Headstock

Mark Patoka
07-07-2004, 10:36 AM
Since I've been turning a bunch of Freedom Pens on my Jet Mini, I've noticed extreme heat generation on the headstock and handwheel and eventually transferring down the pen mandrel. Since it's running at high speed, is this normal? Within 15 minutes of constant running it literally is too hot to touch.

Is this a sign of a bearing going out or something out of adjustment? I haven't noticed any unusual sounds or noises that would indicate something like that. I also haven't turned anything at a low speed lately so don't know if the same thing happens then.

Andy London
07-07-2004, 11:35 AM
My son turns on ours for hours at a time, granted it is mainly bowls, mortar's etc but he does turn a few pens per week and I have never seen it get much more than luke warm. It would seem that you may have a bad bearing. Loosen the belt and spin the handwheel by hand, should be really free.


Richard Allen
07-07-2004, 11:53 AM
Hi Mark

The handwheel needs to be adjusted. Lossen the set screws on the handwheel and losen the handwheel a 1/8 to a 1/4 of a turn. Should spinn freely now.

Or it could be something else.

Greg Heppeard
07-07-2004, 12:09 PM
If it is the bearings, the part numbers are: BB-6005VV and BB6004VV, Jet's comsumer hotline is 800-274-6848.

Mark Patoka
07-07-2004, 10:05 PM
I took Richard's advice and loosened the handwheel about a 1/4 turn. That must have been the problem as I ran it for over an hour turning some more pens and the headstock was only luke warm. The handwheel never heated up.

The handwheel had come loose and came off shortly after I got the lathe and I when I put it back on I figured it had to be tight. It wasn't too tight to restrict turning but apparently caused quite a bit of friction and heat. Thanks for the help. (I'm also glad it wasn't the bearings.)