View Full Version : Just Saying "Hi"

Brian Riley
07-07-2004, 8:04 AM
Hey there!! I happened along to this forum while doing some tool review searching on the web and it looks like a great place.

A little about me:

I'm a senior network / communications engineer by trade (my "real job") but also have a few hobbies. The big 3 of those are woodworking, fine cigars and cars. In fact two of those hobbies actually make me some play money - woodworking and cars. I have a full auto repair shop where I do repairs for family, friends, friends of friends and just as a general ministry for the community. I also have about a 90% completed wood shop (still need a couple more larger tools - soon, very soon). Basically I use woodworking as my "down time" just to relax and forget about the everyday stresses of life.

I really look forward to posting in regards to tool opinions, methods and just general questions.

Thanks for having me.......


Rob Russell
07-07-2004, 8:11 AM
Hey Brian,

Welcome to the Creek. You've probably noticed that you have to really, really push to get most people to share their opinions here. :rolleyes: It's a friendly place that you'll enjoy!


Gary Whitt
07-07-2004, 8:13 AM
Welcome, Brian!!! :D

What part of the world are you near?
You might have some neighbors nearby..... :rolleyes:

Bob Marino
07-07-2004, 8:14 AM
Hi Brian,

Welcome aboard and as you've noticed this is a great place to learn and visit.


Brian Riley
07-07-2004, 8:20 AM
I live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland......close enough to the things you want to be near to but far enough away from the things that you don't.

or something like that - :confused:

Brian Riley
07-07-2004, 8:41 AM
Well Tyler.....I just finished a bathroom cabinet for the wife so the shop is a bit out of order. As I get it cleaned up I'll shoot some picks.

Here are a couple quick shots I took of the cabinet:

Tyler Howell
07-07-2004, 8:41 AM
Welcome Brian,
As one of the self appointed keepers of the gate, I must either get you to show us lots of pictures of all your hobby places or scare you away.:D
Brian this is a great bunch and all are welcome in the Creek. Watch it, the water is swift and will carry you away.;)

Todd Burch
07-07-2004, 8:43 AM
Welcome Brian!

John Miliunas
07-07-2004, 9:02 AM
Glad to have you come on board, Brian! :) Just a few things to remember while visiting: We really like pictures here, no, you do NOT *have* to have "Baby poop mustard yellow" equipment, the world is ROUND, we like pictures, Dale from Peshtigo is our own resident "Answer Man", gloats and projects *require* pictures, contrary to popular opinion, MM is NOT the required brand for band saws, jointers or combo machines and one final thing: Pictures! We like PICTURES! :D Again, welcome. Come often and stay long! :cool:

larry merlau
07-07-2004, 9:15 AM
hey mr wisconsin, have you ever applied carvings to a panel like the ole secrataries had? what glue would you sugesst and the stainin needs to be left of the area to be glued right. or is there another glue that would work over stain thanks you seem to have alot wisdom and havnt given in to the bay yellow yet bet tyler is still playing and dreuling ove the new toy ;) thanks for any help you can offer

Mark Bachler
07-07-2004, 9:19 AM
[QUOTE=John Miliunas] "MM is NOT the required brand for band saws, jointers or combo machines"

Oh sure now you tell me!!

Welcome Brian. Pull up a chair & light up a stogie, the show is just about to begin.

larry merlau
07-07-2004, 9:20 AM
Well Tyler.....I just finished a bathroom cabinet for the wife so the shop is a bit out of order. As I get it cleaned up I'll shoot some picks.

Here are a couple quick shots I took of the cabinet:

nice cabinet brian and welcome, it is definatly informative and you can have laughs on here. what stain did you use on the cabinet?

Kent Cori
07-07-2004, 9:23 AM

Welcome to the Creek, we are definitely glad to have you join us. Since you also repair cars and actually make money at it, we are appointing you our official SMC Car Guy! Now, can you tell me what that click-tap-rattle-crunch sound is coming from my trucks engine signifies? ;)

John Miliunas
07-07-2004, 9:29 AM
hey mr wisconsin, have you ever applied carvings to a panel like the ole secrataries had? what glue would you sugesst and the stainin needs to be left of the area to be glued right. or is there another glue that would work over stain thanks you seem to have alot wisdom and havnt given in to the bay yellow yet bet tyler is still playing and dreuling ove the new toy ;) thanks for any help you can offer

:eek: I've done a couple "applications" to pieces, such as handles on top of knick-knack boxes and such, but they were all bare wood to bare wood. No staining, just "witche's brew" to the whole project afterward. Obviously, that held well, even with constant use. My assumption with something stained would be, if it was a water-based stain and well cured, regular yellow glue should work fine. Oil-based *may* present somewhat of a problem, but I'm by no means, an expert on the subject. :( Sorry.... :cool:

Brian Riley
07-07-2004, 9:35 AM
Just throwing this out as a possible thought......

There is a glue that is advertised as "absorbs solvent-based stains very well". I was wondering if the reverse would work - possibly the stain would be able to absorb the glue....:confused:

Excel One Polyurethane Glue.


John Olson
07-07-2004, 9:36 AM
Now we will love to see your cegar box. Your bathroom cabnet is really nice I will im it to my wife for her opinion.

Brian Riley
07-07-2004, 9:41 AM
Thanks John....

Actually I currently have 2 premade desktop humidors and the majority of my cigar "stock" is kept in a 150qt. cooler. I already have the plans drawn up for a 6 ft. stand-up humidor and that is my next project after I turn out a couple picture frames for a friend of mine.


larry merlau
07-07-2004, 9:45 AM
Just throwing this out as a possible thought......

There is a glue that is advertised as "absorbs solvent-based stains very well". I was wondering if the reverse would work - possibly the stain would be able to absorb the glue....:confused:

Excel One Polyurethane Glue.

thanks for the reply brian.. but i am curious as to what you used for the stain on your cabinet.

Jim Becker
07-07-2004, 10:04 AM
Welcome aboard, Brian...there are quite a few of us in various "networking and telecommunications" vocations who enthusiastically pursue woodworking with a passion as an avocation as well as for mental health... :D That either says something about our industry...or us. I'm not sure which.

Jason Tuinstra
07-07-2004, 10:06 AM
Brian, weclome aboard. Glad you found us, and figured out how to attatch pictures! Nice work on the cabinet.

Dave Moran
07-07-2004, 10:10 AM
Hi Brian, Another Marylander here in the north central part, Carroll county. I am also new here.


Brian Riley
07-07-2004, 10:13 AM
My pleasure Larry.....

As for the stain I was trying to match the color of the oak framing around the mirror. It had been stained some time ago and I couldn't find an exact match. What I ended up using was Olympic Early American and Minwax Cherry. The cabinet is made out of oak.

The steps were as follows:

Foam pad applied the Olympic and let sit for 15 minutes and wipe.
Foam pad applied the Minwax and let sit for 15 minutes and wipe.
Let that dry overnight.
Hand wipe another thin coat of the Minwax and let sit until almost dried then wipe.
Dry overnight.
Apply two coats of Olympic water-based sanding sealer (2 hr dry between coats).
Spray applied 3 coats of Olympic oil-based Polyurethane Satin Finish (using #000 steel wool between each coat).

It came out very close to the mirror frame.

BTW - the top picture was with the camera flash on, the bottom was just the ambient lighting of the room.


Ken Fitzgerald
07-07-2004, 1:21 PM
Welcome Brian! Light a cigar and try to not get it wet while wading the 'creek! Beautiful job on the cabinet! Again.......Welcome!

Paul Smith
07-07-2004, 1:25 PM
Hi Brian, Another Marylander here in the north central part, Carroll county. I am also new here.


Welcome, Brian. Between you, Dave and myself, we're covering a good bit of Maryland. I live in Bel Air, Harford County. By the way, I'm also in IT, Web Development.

I don't contribute too much, but I sure do take away a lot of good information!

Chris Padilla
07-07-2004, 2:27 PM
Hey Brian,

Welcome to the Creek...I see you aren't afraid to wade in! That is good...but why is your cabinet sticking its tongue out at me???

Jerry Olexa
07-07-2004, 2:49 PM
Welcome Brian. You seem to have your priorities right! Glad to have you and ALREADY you are posting pictures. Jerry

Brad Schmid
07-07-2004, 4:40 PM
Welcome Brian!