View Full Version : Reuse DNA?

Kirk Miller
02-11-2009, 7:10 PM
Once again I am new at all this so forgive me. I have used DNA once to help dry Bottle toppers. I flushed the DNA after they came out of the soak. Mine looked like coffee afer about an 8 hourt soak with assorted exotic woods. From different post I have run across out here I am starting to wonder if I should have saved my DNA to reuse it. Can someone help me out. Can you reused DNA after soaking wood in it?

Curt Fuller
02-11-2009, 7:23 PM
I reuse it forever. It evaporates after a while so I add to it, but I never throw it out or flush it. Mine looks like brown ink but still seems to work the same and the little it discolors the wood gets turned away anyway.

John Fricke
02-11-2009, 7:27 PM
Yup as far as I know you just keep using it and adding to as it evaporates. Like curt said it will discolor the outside of ur pieces slightly but the discoloration doesn't seem to soak in much at all.

Scott Hurley
02-11-2009, 8:42 PM
As you use it, the DNA absorbs water from the wood, effectively diluting the DNA. Once it gets to a certain water level (I can't remember what that is...) it doesn't work as well. But, as long as you keep adding new DNA to it, it should continue to work fine.

Steve Schlumpf
02-11-2009, 10:10 PM
Kirk - like the others have already stated - just keep adding DNA when the level gets low. I have been using the same batch for over a year (added to it as needed) and it still works great! Depending on the wood you soak, the DNA will turn dark but will not be a problem as it only discolors the surface and will be turned away anyway.

Bernie Weishapl
02-11-2009, 10:22 PM
I have been using same DNA for almost 2 yrs with adding a gallon here or there as it evaporates. Turning colors or darkening doesn't hurt it at all except the pocket book.