View Full Version : Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
07-06-2004, 9:01 AM
Well...another weekend has come and gone.

Only a little shop time for me this weekend. Made a few pens, worked on making a little 3 shelf desktop piece for a guy at work and cleaned up the shop a little. Cooked out chicken, hamburgers, and brats on Sunday afternoon. Had friends over to have dinner and the neighborhood got together for fireworks around dark. It was LOML Jr's birthday Sunday as well and she thinks it's pretty cool that the nation celebrates her birthday! :D

So what did you do over the weekend?

Best of weeks to you all....

Tyler Howell
07-06-2004, 9:26 AM
Good Weekend, You saw my gloat. Finished my tiling project, have to seal the grout and trim out the windows, base board and door then that punch Item will be finished.Great night for fireworks. Had the company of good friends to view the rockets red glare as we saw displays in every direction. We had the priveledge of seeing the shows from a 120 foot tower observatory. Really cool.
I cleaned house and shop for a Creeker visit but no show. Hope all is OK. Have a good week folks.;)

Terry Hatfield
07-06-2004, 10:27 AM

Well....it was good and bad.......

Saturday I met with Steve Clardy and had breakfast. Nice visit!!! Thanks for the invite Steve. :)

Sunday I smoked a pork shoulder in my new smoker and generally hung out. Took Cheryl to see the fireworks. :)

Monday was well...a MONDAY. I awoke to the septic system not working. This is not good!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I finally figured out that the lift pump had shot craps and the breaker was bad. Went to Lowe's and $300 later we were back in business. So let's see I was a plumber, electrician, carpenter and painter... all before noon!!

Spent the rest of the day doing more painting and carpentering trying to get as far as possible on the shop remodel project. Went fishing with a buddy Monday nite and got back home at 3 a.m. Now I'm sleepy and grumpy and it looks like rain. Oh good.

Everyone have a good week,


Chris Padilla
07-06-2004, 10:42 AM
Still getting stuff out of the garage and into temporary storage. I kinda relaxed during the Fourth weekend and didn't get the garage completely emptied like I thought I would...I will slowly get it emptied as this SHORT week marches.

Bob Hovde
07-06-2004, 10:54 AM
Still getting stuff out of the garage and into temporary storage. I kinda relaxed during the Fourth weekend and didn't get the garage completely emptied like I thought I would...I will slowly get it emptied as this SHORT week marches.

Now there's a concept I hadn't thought of. Empty the garage before working on it! :confused: I have to keep moving things around as I go. I'd put it all outside, but it's been raining almost every day for a month. :mad:


Scott Coffelt
07-06-2004, 12:10 PM
I kind of covered it in my pre-weekend post, but I went wood shopping on Firday and bought some real nice Curly (Tiger) Maple from Turn About Wood in KC.

Races on Saturday and Sunday. A couple of BBQ's and then Fireworks.

Monday was kind of recoup day, though I did get a closet area in my shop clean out to the point that I can actually walk into it now. Trying to weed through junk and dispose properly of things like old paint, and other junk.

Played around with some more glass fusing.

Travis Lanman
07-06-2004, 12:20 PM
I got some shop time in on Saturday and that was spent milling up parts for a staircase on the front of Grandmas house. The remainder of the day was spent installing it and helping Grandma with some things around her house. Sunday was spent at a Little League all-star tournament as was Monday. So I get one day home and then we have to head back to the tournament. It makes for a lot of traveling when it is 175 miles away. Have a great week everyone.

Rich Konopka
07-06-2004, 3:15 PM
Where did the weekend go? Spent Saturday mowing the grass, overseeding some spots, adjusting the irrigation system, and power washed the house & Deck. The LOML prepared me an awesome Lobster and Steak dinner and Carrot Cake to celebrate my bday.

Sunday was spent working in the shop cleaning up and assembling a Delta 16 1/2 " X5 DP. Picked it up 2 weeks ago for $699 GLOAT !! :D. Anyone living in the Connecticut area want a good deal send me a PM and I will tell ya where to pick one up for $699. Sunday afternoon had the family over for cookout. Fireworks and sparklers for the kids at night !!

On Monday, we took a drive up to the Berkshires to do some shopping at the outlets . We took the back way and drove through northwestern Connecticut and Western Mass. It is Beautiful and also I noted a couple of sawmills with native oak and pine. There definitely is going to be a followup visit to these places !!

The weekend continues as I'm off this week spending time with the kids and putzing around.

Life is Good !!:)

Chris Padilla
07-06-2004, 3:37 PM
Now there's a concept I hadn't thought of. Empty the garage before working on it! :confused: I have to keep moving things around as I go. I'd put it all outside, but it's been raining almost every day for a month. :mad:

LOL! I have the privilege of two Tuff-Sheds in my backyard...one is a real live shed with the mower and general lawn crap and the other one is more of a storage shed/extension of the closets in our house. I've been going through the storage shed cleaning it out in order to go through the garage to clean it out and store in the storage shed! I'm finding lottsa stuff I forgot I had or thought I'd lost! :rolleyes: The garage is spookily getting emptier and emptier.

Get this, I've been using my wheelbarrow to load up stuff from the garge to move into the storage shed! Works real nice! :D

Jim Becker
07-06-2004, 5:07 PM
Just as I also predicted...finished the cutting board recycle for the sink on Saturday, flew to Orlando on Sunday, spend 18 "quality hours" driving dad's Cadillac northward 1100 miles on Monday and Tuesday, arriving here at 3p to a "work" ibox with 111 spam email in the quarentine folder (easy delete!) and a request for trip next week to someplace I think even the pioneers forgot to visit for a day. Sheesh! (But the new bay windows start going in tomorrow...and I get to WATCH)

Jack Hogoboom
07-06-2004, 9:23 PM

How could you grout anything this weekend with that big gold monster in your shop???!!!!

Rob Russell
07-06-2004, 10:18 PM
I worked at the cottage - cutting down and then digging out privet hedges. After that fun - sheetrock. Yee-hah!

Tyler Howell
07-06-2004, 10:27 PM

How could you grout anything this weekend with that big gold monster in your shop???!!!!

Jack, It was still in the Garage untill Today so I'd go out on knee rest breaks and bask in the golden glow.:D

Jim Schmoll
07-07-2004, 12:24 AM
I managed to get my baby girls kitchen completed. Now I can get back to this board for some enjoyment, and some Freedome Pens. Maybe even learn how to post some PICs.

Jim from Idillwild CA.