View Full Version : Update (refund received)- Mike Morgan PA lumber

Marshall Gayton
02-11-2009, 1:01 AM
Wanted to provide an update to the post from 1/29/2009.

I received a full refund ($383 postal money order) from Mike today along with several ash boards (will make some nice draws).

I want to thank Mike for addressing this issue and providing the refund. I would also to thank the board moderators for allowing the initial post.

Many Thanks!

Dewey Torres
02-11-2009, 2:04 AM
After all of the bashing on that thread I am glad you came back and posted something positive. I hope Mike is on the road to getting his business back in solid shape.

Steve Rozmiarek
02-11-2009, 2:28 AM
Good to have an update. I wonder if anyone else got a refund?

Don Bullock
02-11-2009, 8:07 AM
Marshall, that's great news. I'm hoping that Mike can get his business back up and running. He was a good source for many people. It will be interesting to see if he's able to either repay or provide wood to the others he has orders from.

Bill White
02-11-2009, 10:12 AM
Wanted to provide an update to the post from 1/29/2009.

I received a full refund ($383 postal money order) from Mike today along with several ash boards (will make some nice draws).

I want to thank Mike for addressing this issue and providing the refund. I would also to thank the board moderators for allowing the initial post.

Many Thanks!

(will make some nice draws)???

Brian Effinger
02-11-2009, 10:36 AM
After all of the bashing on that thread I am glad you came back and posted something positive. I hope Mike is on the road to getting his business back in solid shape.
I too am glad you posted, and also hope Mike can get things turned around. I spoke to him via email a few times, and it seems like he is a decent guy, just got in way over his head and made some very bad decisions.

And Bill, I think Marshall watches too much NYW ;)

Jim Becker
02-11-2009, 11:42 AM
(will make some nice draws)???

He means "drawers"... ;)

OP, 'glad you got your refund.

Dwain Lambrigger
02-11-2009, 9:19 PM
I will share the common thought. Thanks for noting the refund, we can all complain, but we also need to recognize when a vendor stands up and does what is right.

Jim Dunn
02-11-2009, 9:22 PM
I will share the common thought. Thanks for noting the refund, we can all complain, but we also need to recognize when a vendor stands up and does what is right.

I want to share also. It's easy to get mad but harder to admit that your alright now. Hope Mike makes it.

John Pohja
02-11-2009, 11:06 PM
FWIW, I recently rec'd a delivery of cherry that Mike had promised me in Dec. 2008 to make-up for a problematic order of a year ago. Seems like he's trying to get things straightened out. John

chris weir
02-12-2009, 6:50 AM
Maybe there is some hope. I still have an outstanding order from October 2008. I too will post a follow-up if my order arrives.

Tim Whitley
02-12-2009, 10:08 AM
I have gotten full refund of $166 USPS M/O from Mike for my order of 20 bd ft curly cherry. He also sent a couple of nice cherry boards with the refund. Hope Mike gets back to doing business. :)

Tim W

John Shuk
02-12-2009, 4:05 PM
As all have said thanks for posting. I was disappointed to see such issues develop from relationships started on the Creek.
I have never had the chance to order from Mike but he was on my list for when I had some time to build something.

Dwain Lambrigger
02-12-2009, 5:34 PM
I hope we can get as long a thread of messages about Mike when he catches up as we did when he was messing up.

Dan Owen
02-13-2009, 8:45 PM
What Mike Morgan did to me and other patrons of Sawmill Creek was criminal and Mike should be punished and treated accordingly. Unfortunately, I doubt that will ever happen. Not only did I give him a $3500.00 interest free loan for 5 months, but I lost several nice jobs because of no lumber delivery as well as numerous days of work waiting for shipments that never showed up. I suffered a great deal of anxiety and frustration wondering if I would ever see my $3500.00 again let alone my order. I finally received my money only after a bad check and all the BS that went along with it. Anyway, just another one of those experiences that dilutes my faith in mankind. Mike, may justice be served to you someday.

Jeff Lien
02-13-2009, 8:50 PM
Let those who are sinless cast the first stone


Stephen Edwards
02-14-2009, 9:22 AM
Let those who are sinless cast the first stone


Amen! One of the biggest gifts that we can give to ourselves is to forgive someone else. What a liberating feeling!

Phil Thien
02-14-2009, 3:10 PM
Let those who are sinless cast the first stone


Does forgiveness obviate punishment?

Ken Fitzgerald
02-14-2009, 3:51 PM
Does forgiveness obviate punishment?

At what point does punishment become beating a dead horse?

This thread's theme was to say that Mike had made a repayment. Several other people chimed in to say they'd received repayment.

If Mike is trying to make ammends, then give him a chance. Further chastisement is not what this thread is about.

Keep to the OPs subject.

Stephen Edwards
02-14-2009, 4:22 PM
Does forgiveness obviate punishment?

Often, it does.

I agree with the moderator, too. This thread isn't about punishment. It's about a guy who made some mistakes and is now making them right. My hat's off to anyone who does that!

Rob Parsons
02-14-2009, 4:27 PM
Well, he hasn't erased all his mistakes. He still owes me over $800 from a $2400 order paid for in July 2008.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-14-2009, 5:19 PM
I finally received my money

This is what is germaine to this thread.

Chris Blakeley
04-28-2009, 10:40 AM
I've been waiting on a $640 refund since September 2008. I even offered to take the refund in Walnut which he said he had in stock and would ship it out to me next week. That was about a month ago and I haven't heard a single word from him since.

This has definitely been my worst experience buying lumber, or ANYTHING for that matter. Anyone looking to buy wood from Mike should think twice. I'll let you know if I ever get a refund, but I doubt it. He's full of excuses and loves to disappear whenever he doesn't want to deal with it.

His last e-mail said he'd "make everything right" but waiting almost 8 months for a refund with continual promises of "next week" is outrageous.

Just wanted to make sure no other folks get swindled like me and they read the posts thinking that just because one person got their rebate, it's all fine now.

Pa Lumber = :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: