View Full Version : Tool Gloat

Stanley Campbell
07-06-2004, 7:05 AM
Thanks to you guys;) I have a Tool Gloat:D . Since I needed something to sharpen my Lathe Tools with, I figured I might as well get as good a tool as I could so I bought the Tormec sharpening system. I have been fascinated my sharp things all my life and have spent quite a bit of time learning how to hone my knifes to shaving sharpness. Read the book, watched the video.... Then I proceeded to sharpen every knife in the house. I have not gotten them as good as the guy did in the video I saw on sharp tools web site, but I am learning and the time it takes is extremely short. Next I proceeded to sharpen a Gouge, again not perfect but it is sharper than it was, and I love the polished look. I also sharpened my miniture set of lathe tools. I just had 1 problem and that was with the skew as it is to small for the Tormec skew jig, so I had to hold it by hand. It looks like I will have to come up with something to make this better.

God, I love new toys:p


Tom Hintz
07-06-2004, 7:12 AM
Congrats on the Tormek! Very cool machine.
I have reviews of some of the jigs, with more to come at the listing below. Perhaps there will be something in there to help with the learning curve, which as you have found, is short.
Since getting the Tormek my turning has gotten better due to consistently sharp tools with very consistent angles. No more guessing or surprises when I pick up the bowl gouge!
