View Full Version : Cutlist Plus

tody Brock
02-10-2009, 11:11 AM
Does anyone have a copy of Cutlist Plus they want to share.

Jason Beam
02-10-2009, 11:35 AM
What? You mean ... illegally?

Buy it like you're supposed to, man! :)

Lee Schierer
02-10-2009, 12:26 PM
If you are looking for a free program. Try Sheetlayout.com. they have a free version of their program that is fully functional (limited project size) that you can down load. Then if you decide you need more capability you can purchase larger capacity versions. The sheet layout program does sheet goods and lineal materials and you can enter the exact size of materials you have and it will figure out the optimum way to cut the pieces you need from it.

Brian Backner
02-10-2009, 2:30 PM
You can also download a freeware program called CutList:


It's not nearly as functional as CutList Plus, but it does work. On my last kitchen job, I estimate that it saved me four sheets of plywood (30 down to 26). It does take quite a while for the thing to crank away,though. I would suggest setting up the job and just walking away from it for eight to ten hours.


Joe Chritz
02-10-2009, 11:25 PM
Cutlist has a freebee that limits you to 5 items (I think). The next one is Cutlist Plus which has a lot more items but the same overall stuff. I don't remember the highest version. I generally have to break a kitchen into two files to use Plus but that is easy by dividing the 3/4" and the 1/4 and 1/2" sheet goods.

I wouldn't have a problem allowing someone to use my computer to generate a cutlist but giving the program away (expect the free version) is a big no-no.

FWIW, it is well worth the cost.


Steve Rozmiarek
02-10-2009, 11:29 PM
I have Cutlist plus, and it is well worth the $. I love the tracking features. I don't charge for my work, but I do like to know what it costs me to do what I do. Also nice to know what I have in stock in the wood shed without going out there and looking.

I checked the price several years back, and it was high, but it has come down substantially. Savings in sheet stock use will pay for it easily in one project.

Dewey Torres
02-11-2009, 2:23 AM
Yet another few bookmarks for the Dewster...thanks Lee and Brian!

Lee Schierer
02-11-2009, 8:22 AM
Yet another few bookmarks for the Dewster...thanks Lee and Brian!

I purchased the small shop version of Sheetlayout and it has saved me from a trips to the lumber supplier several times. What I like is the ability to put in the actual sizes of pieces you have laying around and it will calculate how to get the most of the wood used and also tell you what pieces you can't make with what you have. Since I sometimes get a deal from my local supplier because I can use short pieces 36-40" for cabinet making, I always measure the pieces I bring home and put those numbers into the "inventory" and then run it to see how the pieces should be cut. If I want a particular look for a top or a panel, I can select those pieces by hand and re-run the remaining material to still come up with the best utilization.

Dewey Torres
02-12-2009, 3:07 AM
I purchased the small shop version of Sheetlayout and it has saved me from a trips to the lumber supplier several times. What I like is the ability to put in the actual sizes of pieces you have laying around and it will calculate how to get the most of the wood used and also tell you what pieces you can't make with what you have. Since I sometimes get a deal from my local supplier because I can use short pieces 36-40" for cabinet making, I always measure the pieces I bring home and put those numbers into the "inventory" and then run it to see how the pieces should be cut. If I want a particular look for a top or a panel, I can select those pieces by hand and re-run the remaining material to still come up with the best utilization.

Thanks again Lee! I will make note of this as I have been using Dewmaster version 1.1 and it has failed me before!:o