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View Full Version : Still trying

Dustin Cranford
02-10-2009, 4:02 AM
Ok, I am still trying to figure out this whole bowl turning process. I have watched Bill's video and even spoke to him by email.

So.... here is the problem now. For some reason I keep getting chatter when I am removing tearout. Not sure what is going on. Seems the more I try and remove the bowl seems to get out of round or something.

Still having a heck of a time trying to hollow out the inside of a bowl. I don't know I am about ready to tear my hair out and now I am out of bowl blanks.

Oh the bowls have all been kiln dried to about 6 to 8%. Any suggestions here?

alex carey
02-10-2009, 4:32 AM
What tools are you using? Size of the blank versus the size of the tool matters.

Steve Schlumpf
02-10-2009, 8:00 AM
Dustin - photos would help us out. Lots of things could be happening to cause this - from riding the bevel to hard, dull tools, type of wood, how thin the wood is, lathe speed, etc. If we can see the problem area within the bowl - someone here should be able to point out a corrective action.

David Christopher
02-10-2009, 11:38 AM
Dustin, get some 2X4s or 2X6s and practice turning them round.. their cheap and the wood is pretty soft..maybe that can help get you started without messing up expensive wood

Steve Mawson
02-10-2009, 11:59 AM
Might check bearings on the lathe.

Brian Brown
02-10-2009, 12:12 PM
What lathe are you using? It could be so light that it is vibrating. Also, how big is the bowl? I may help to use a steady rest for a tall bowl, or a wood that flexes a lot.

Dustin Cranford
02-10-2009, 2:37 PM
I will try and get some photos in the next day or two (I'm on the night shift right now).

The wood was a walnut 2 x 4 bowl. The other was dunno wood about 3 1/2 x 5. Thickness was about 3/8 on one and the other I hadn't even hollowed out yet. The lathe is a Jet Mini. None of that probably helps right now until I get some photos.

Wyatt Holm
02-11-2009, 2:14 PM
What tool are you using on inside? A gouge or scraper? Are you push cutting or pull cutting?