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Jeff Caskie
02-09-2009, 4:06 PM
A few table saw questions I am thinking about due to some recent threads on riving knifes/splitters and crosscut sleds:

When using a crosscut sled (dual runner), it is my belief that you would have to remove the saw guard. If so, how does that affect dust collection? It seems to me that DC would be difficult with a sled unless perhaps you have an overhead guard to begin with.

If you always do through cuts, is there any safety related drawback to having the splitter higher than the saw blade?

Jerome Hanby
02-09-2009, 4:50 PM
If it's bolted onto the saw, you'll have to remove the stock guard. Nothing to stop you from incorporating a guard and dust collection into your crosscut sled. I have plans to do that when I build my "good" sled.