View Full Version : shaker doors help

Roddy Thibault
02-06-2009, 5:58 PM
when im making my shaker doors i notice that my joints are not tight ( kind loose)

does this affect the out come of the door?
when i glue them up i use a flat surface and make sure glue comes out of the joint.

any thoughts would be great

Mark Buchanan
02-06-2009, 6:03 PM

Loose joints will definitely cause a problem. Even though your glue squeezes out it will not fill gaps. What method are you using to cut your rails and styles?


Myk Rian
02-06-2009, 6:47 PM
Gorilla glue might help if you have loose joints.

Joe Chritz
02-06-2009, 7:13 PM
Depends on your definition of loose.

If it wiggles it is to loose if it just slides in easy it could be fine. As mentioned PVA glue won't fill gaps so the surfaces really need to be touching. I like my cope and stick joints to press together easy but have just a shade of friction.

I suppose you could fix them by gluing some wedges and recutting like a mortise and tenon joint.


Mike Evertsen
02-06-2009, 8:06 PM
I know I get stoned for this but when joints are alittle loose I glue clamp and angle shoot a couple brads in from the back side . make sure the brad won't pop out the front don't ask how I know this happens :eek:

Jim Becker
02-06-2009, 9:26 PM
Gorilla glue might help if you have loose joints.

Not really, Myk. The gap filling properties of polyurethane glue is nill...it's just foam.