View Full Version : Tip of the Week: Double the capacity of your clamps

Todd Burch
07-02-2004, 8:11 PM
No, I don't mean how to glue up a 48" panel with a 24" clamp, but how to get twice the bang for your clamp buck with a little thinking.

I'm working on some oak cabinet doors and drawer fronts to matching a client's existing cabinetry. They are picture-frame style, with a 2" wide by 1½" thick mitered frame and a 3/4" thick plywood panel set into a rabbet from the back. The client's existing doors have some gaps where the panel was not held tight against the frame when they were made. See the first photo. (Mine don't! :) )

I was using C-clamps to glue up each front by itself, and that was working fine, but using 6 C-clamps per front, I ran out quick! See second photo. I could have cut cauls to spread their force out.

For the remaining fronts, I got smart and glued up two at a time, back-to-back, (see photo 3) using scraps of plywood between the drawer fronts to place pressure on the plywood panel and not the frame. (Photo 4)

Doing it this way, I used 1/2 the number of clamps I had been using and gained productivity since I was was clamping once per two fronts instead of once per front.

Hopefully, someone can use this technique if you are a little shy on clamps during your next glue up.


Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
07-02-2004, 8:49 PM
Hey, Todd. Always thinking. Good plan and the work looks good too.

Frank Pellow
07-02-2004, 9:15 PM
Thanks Todd, I am, always short of clamps.

Lloyd Brown
07-02-2004, 10:21 PM
I noticed you put the price of the clamp on the side (19.99). :D Helps figuring up the cost of the project or helps the thef know what to take. No really neat idea you are a master.

John Miliunas
07-02-2004, 11:00 PM
Your problem-solving abilities never fail to amaze me, Todd! And then to share them with the more solution-challenged, such as myself, is very kind of you! :o Muchos gracias! :cool:

Dennis Peacock
07-03-2004, 12:54 AM
No wonder it worked better. You went from C clamps to BESSEY's!!!! Makes all the difference in the world. ;)

Great idea there Todd.!!! I'll have to try that next time I'm doing something like that.

Alan Tolchinsky
07-03-2004, 12:58 AM
you have more Bessy's or "C" clamps? :) Have a great 4th.

Chris Padilla
07-03-2004, 2:23 AM
Hey...you guys need more clamps? I know of a pretty good group buy some schlep is tossing together.... :D He seems all right...on the up and up.... ;)


Todd Burch
07-03-2004, 8:24 AM
If you count my little bitty c-clamps too, I have more of them. Bessey count is at 18, but its going to double or so pretty soon. I'm set on 2" spring clamps, but could use a few more 3"ers.

2 @ 50"
4 @ 40"
4 @ 31" +10 more soon
6 @ 24" +10 more sooner
2 @ 12"

And Lloyd - I date my clamps (& other things) - that's 1999 when I bought those!! I wish I could buy them for $19.99!

Daniel Rabinovitz
07-04-2004, 12:17 PM
You actually have a head on your shoulders.
Good thinking!
Ach! good looking and a brain to match?
Daniel :D