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View Full Version : Long Weekend.... Plans?????

Scott Coffelt
07-02-2004, 6:00 PM
Well, I waited decided it's time to talk about this weekends' plans. I myself started today and spent time running around looking for wood. I wound up buying about $350 worth of Tiger Maple, I'll need to plan some of it but will get pics soon.

Saturday we have the NASCAR Carftsman Truck Series in Town, and Sunday is the IRL cars. So plenty of racing on the agenda.

A little party and fireworks on Sunday night.

Monday I hope to play in the shop a little. I bought the Woodcraft's slow wet grinder. I started working on some chisels and need to hit the turning tools (Hidden Gloat). Also wouldn't mind making a run at the Tiger Maple.

Steven Wilson
07-02-2004, 6:05 PM
The weekend starts out with me closing on the sale of my parents house, that has only taken 2 1/2 years. Along with that I need to finish up a cooking box to go camping. I'm building a box to store a latern, stove, fuel, cooking gear, table cloths, etc. I need to do some fitting tonight, make the top, and start finishing. Of course fireworks are Sunday, before which I've volunteered to distribute campaign literature. Then I need to pack up the Suburban and then take the kids out for their first camping trip.

Frank Pellow
07-02-2004, 6:14 PM
After a long absence, I am back working on the construction of my shop. I have almost finished the framing and should be able to complete that this weekend. With luck, I should also be able to install all the fascia -n prepartion for getting the plywood on the roof next week. :)

Oh yes, I almost forgot, tomorrow I take delivery of most of the rest of the material to finish the job and I have to find room for it in what used to be our garage. :(

Mac McAtee
07-02-2004, 6:19 PM
Continue to work on Sugar Chest.

Tyler Howell
07-02-2004, 6:50 PM
Started last night on a date with my lovely daughter. Trucking firm called and said they had a package for me. 22 hours after I gave Tool Crib a jing.:eek: They'll deliver next Wednesday but I don't know if I can wait that long. May run down there tomorrow. :D :D

Lota projects. very productive day today finished my tile project, not bad if I say so myself for a beginner.
Brunch on Sunday with a very interesting lady, movie after and then fire works from the top of a 180 ft tower:cool:
Happy 4th.;)

Terry Hatfield
07-02-2004, 7:05 PM

Sounds like fun!!!

I's still trying to wrap up the last of the painting and the shop addition is also getting underway this weekend so more work for me. I'll probably have a little hanging out doing nothin' time too.

Everyone have a good one!!!


Chris Padilla
07-02-2004, 7:07 PM
I'm going to finally glue-up that cabinet that goes to the left of the fireplace for the maple EC I've been working on. It is being held together by, uh, friction from the dados and gravity! :eek:

This will get a few pieces of plywood out of the garage...a good thing since I need to clear out the garage so I can do some serious gutting.

Since Murphy rules the universe, I'm fully expecting my FS-41 Elite 16" J/P to show up right in the middle of the garage gut where it'll only get in the way. Pray MiniMax doesn't get its act together and this aircraft carrier shows at the end of this month or beginning of next month--that would work out just fine with me! :D

Have a happy and safe holiday weekend for those who get Monday off and celebrate such events.

Steve Clardy
07-02-2004, 7:34 PM
Arkansas border for a family reunion in Rogers, Arkansas.:)
About ten miles from the Hatfield Barbecue feed next Sept.:D
Probably stop in at a big box and fill up on electrical goodies for the new shop addition.
Maybe that Arkie clan down there won't beat me up too bad,:eek: beings I was born there. lol

Jim Becker
07-02-2004, 9:00 PM
"Short" weekend for me. Saturday is getting ready for the new bay windows that are being installed in the front of the house next Wednesday and Thursday...I left the old trim and ugly 3/4" T&G pine walls up around the one in the kitchen eating area when I completed the kitchen renovation last year, knowing that the windows were going to be replaced this year. (by the pros...too big of a job for me, the largest being 150" wide!) It all needs to come down so I can do the drywall thing after the new windows are installed. Once that's out of the way, I plan on finishing up the "cutting board" renovation I started last weekend. The old kitchen had a built-in cutting board that I saved and after milling it clean last weekend, etc., I only have to sand the plugs on the front and do a few coats of mineral oil. This version of the cutting board sits over one of the two sinks for food-prep purposes. I'll post pics when it is done. Our neighbor's first grandchild is "one" on Saturday, so we'll also be hanging out with them for awhile to celebrate.

Sunday, I fly to Florida to drive my father back up here on Monday and Tuesday. He had bypass surgery three and a half weeks ago and is not yet ready for that kind of a drive. He and mom rent a cabin on a lake in NE PA for a month each summer and they didn't want to cancel since it's their major opportunity to see their grandkids (my brother has 6 kids) as well as escape the steamy mid-summer heat in central Florida. Unfortunately, mom also had major surgery last week, so she'll be flying up a week later. At any rate, I'll be the "young" fellow with the pony tail driving up I-95 in a Cadillac Deville...sheesh!:eek: :o I suppose that dad will be getting some seat time on the tractor once we're back up here since he misses his so much...he loves to cut grass and play with the attachments. No problem! :)

Jim Ketron
07-02-2004, 9:55 PM
work on my new shop for the next 9 days!
Started the cleanup for the new shop site. Now to get some more dirt off the back side to level the ground, and dig my holes to pour the concrete for the floor joist to sit on and hopefully get some of the joists down sun eve. and I am on vacation this week so maybe I can get the bulk of it done.

Greg Heppeard
07-02-2004, 10:06 PM
Making doors for cabinet....and more work on the upper.

John Miliunas
07-02-2004, 11:11 PM
Monday I hope to play in the shop a little. I bought the Woodcraft's slow wet grinder. I started working on some chisels and need to hit the turning tools (Hidden Gloat). Also wouldn't mind making a run at the Tiger Maple.

Scott, is that the one which looks like a Makita knock-off? If so, I'd really be interested in knowing how well it works! :cool:

Rob Littleton
07-03-2004, 1:13 AM
I'm gonna sit in the closet and pout :-(

July 4th, what do I have to celebrate, you kicked our @$$ out the country.

NO! I'm not bitter ............. tee hee

I love this holiday even though I aint American.

Have a good and safe one y'all.

Rich Konopka
07-03-2004, 7:15 AM
I'm gonna sit in the closet and pout :-(

July 4th, what do I have to celebrate, you kicked our @$$ out the country.

NO! I'm not bitter ............. tee hee

I love this holiday even though I aint American.

Have a good and safe one y'all.

Our best friends our Brit's and they love the 4th. They're off at water skiing event this weekend. It is unforunate that they are moving back to GB this fall. They are really depressed and don't want to go back. They love it here.

One thing they made me aware of is, that American view of American Revolution is much different from the British version of a Civil War. There actually is a great British Documentary that has been on PBS which illustrates the British Version. It is called Rebels and Redcoats: How the British Lost America. I hope everyone gets a chance to see it.

Cheers and Happy 4th

Rich Konopka
07-03-2004, 7:27 AM
I have a whole week off with no plans other than working in the yard, working in the yard, and working in the yard. Oh Yeah, and working in the shop. I still have so much to do in the shop.

Life is Good :p :D


Jim Becker
07-03-2004, 10:06 AM
It is unforunate that they are moving back to GB this fall. They are really depressed and don't want to go back.
Yea, and the "sticker shock" will hit hard...everything is much more expensive in the UK including housing, food, etc. One of my coworkers just had to move back after three years in the states...it hit their budget hard.

Dennis Peacock
07-03-2004, 10:15 AM
The weekend starts out with me closing on the sale of my parents house, that has only taken 2 1/2 years. Along with that I need to finish up a cooking box to go camping. I'm building a box to store a latern, stove, fuel, cooking gear, table cloths, etc. I need to do some fitting tonight, make the top, and start finishing. Of course fireworks are Sunday, before which I've volunteered to distribute campaign literature. Then I need to pack up the Suburban and then take the kids out for their first camping trip.


We had planned on doing just that...kids on their first camping trip...but EVERYTIME we go camping....it RAINS!!!! :mad: :mad: I decided to go as far as making reservations at a state park camp grounds, paying for the 1st night and the next day the weather forecast was for Thunderstorms and rain.!!! We cancelled the camping trip, lost the 1 day we paid (non-refundable and non-transferable) and have sit at home while the storms and rain continue. I hope you have better luck camping that we do. All we have is a tent and I wish we had at least a nice Pop-Up.... :rolleyes:

Dennis Peacock
07-03-2004, 10:18 AM
Arkansas border for a family reunion in Rogers, Arkansas.:)
About ten miles from the Hatfield Barbecue feed next Sept.:D
Probably stop in at a big box and fill up on electrical goodies for the new shop addition.
Maybe that Arkie clan down there won't beat me up too bad,:eek: beings I was born there. lol


You're safe here....just bring Walnut and we'll call the dawgs off!!! :D

Steve Clardy
07-03-2004, 11:15 AM

You're safe here....just bring Walnut and we'll call the dawgs off!!! :D Thats great Dennis. I never did enjoy dog bites!!:eek:
Planning on staying in Bentonville Sat. night, then trying to hook up with T. Hatfield sunday morning, then back to Springfield to check out the big boxes for electrical supplies for shop addition.:rolleyes:

Terry Hatfield
07-03-2004, 11:32 AM

Looking foward to seeing you. Just give me a ring.


Richard McComas
07-03-2004, 2:41 PM
My first goal this long weekend is to stay off the Roads and Highways. So being home for 4 days I’ll spend most that time in the shop. One project I must do is crate my Inca 570 for shipping to Denver Colorado.

Bruce Shiverdecker
07-03-2004, 11:51 PM
Well, my weekend started last night. I loaded my Jet mini lathe into my van along with a bunch of pen turning stuff. This morning at 7:30 am, I met Roger Buss of my local Woodcraft store at the Peoria Rvierfront Farmers Market. We were there to demonstrate pen turning, explain about the Freedom Pen program, and turn tops for kids.

We accepted donations to the Freedom Pen program. I will be sending Ken a check next week in the amount of $150.00 to cover donations we received. Not bad for 3 Hours. The market was cut short due to rain and we decided to shut down the lathes rather than take a chance of having a "Shocking" experience.

Tonight we had dinner and good conversation with some friends. Tomorrow, I will be at work at 7:00am (hard job - driving around a golf course making sure that the players are moving along and observing the rules - for this I get all the golf I want free. Hm should I really keep doing it?....................................OH YEAH!)

Hope you all have a happy 4th and please take a minute to say thanks to the troops.


Tyler Howell
07-04-2004, 6:24 AM

We had planned on doing just that...kids on their first camping trip...but EVERYTIME we go camping....it RAINS!!!! :mad: :mad: I decided to go as far as making reservations at a state park camp grounds, paying for the 1st night and the next day the weather forecast was for Thunderstorms and rain.!!! We cancelled the camping trip, lost the 1 day we paid (non-refundable and non-transferable) and have sit at home while the storms and rain continue. I hope you have better luck camping that we do. All we have is a tent and I wish we had at least a nice Pop-Up.... :rolleyes:

Hey Bud don't let a little Rain stop your camping trip, some of the most exciting have involved storms. After 8 years of scout camp, 5 on the staff Life goes on rain or shine. A lot of the parks have programs and activities for families and build in wet weather.

Dennis Peacock
07-04-2004, 7:35 AM

The last time we went camping no matter the weather, we almost lost my buddies 22' boat due to all the rain. The boat had gained almost enough water to sink it. Everything was soaked, no dry cloths left and all food was soaked. It had rained 6" in 36 hours and the camp we were in was only accessible via boat. Took us a while to get the boat "floating" again and had to pull the rear plug while going to get more water out of the boat so it could be put on the trailer.

Ever since then, LOML ain't real fond of going camping when there is even a "hint" of rain. ;)

Tyler Howell
07-04-2004, 8:55 AM
But Dennis,
See what a wonderful adventure that was. Bet you killed a lot of beers reliving it? I hear Ya Bud. Always plenty to do and bad memories die hard.

The most exciting adventures I have ever had have always been out in nature. Kids got a taste of it too. Now they decide what's what for them.
What ever you do, I know it will be right.;)

Andy London
07-04-2004, 9:31 PM
Happy 4th to all our neighbours to the South!

Still working away on my windows but I can see light :rolleyes: , after today I only have three more to go.

My son and I took in the movie/documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, a very powerful and moving movie, I would encourage all to see.


Scott Coffelt
07-05-2004, 10:54 AM
Scott, is that the one which looks like a Makita knock-off? If so, I'd really be interested in knowing how well it works! :cool:

Yes, I think it is. I sharpened a few things, works fine. I am still trying to get use to the horizontal stone. I need to build a tool holder that works with it. My chisels are sharper than they have ever been. So that's good enough for me. Still playing around with the turning tools, that's where the tool rest will need to come in.

Tyler Howell
07-05-2004, 11:18 AM
[QUOTE=Andy London]Happy 4th to all our neighbours to the South!

My son and I took in the movie/documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, a very powerful and moving movie, I would encourage all to see.

Interested in the perspective of our good neighbors to the north.
I'm taking a group of friends this week to see 9/11.
Also want to visit your fair part of the world. I hear it is wonderful. Do you know of any sailboat charter companies in your area?? Can't find any on the Net.

Andy London
07-05-2004, 12:16 PM
Interested in the perspective of our good neighbors to the north.
I'm taking a group of friends this week to see 9/11.
Also want to visit your fair part of the world. I hear it is wonderful. Do you know of any sailboat charter companies in your area?? Can't find any on the Net.

Here in Halifax and pretty much anywhere in NS you can charter sail boats, are you looking to rent or do you prefer the charter route. The Bluenose has great one day trips...how long a trip are you looking to do? I can arrange to have a package sent to you from the Department of Tourism on what to do and see. The ovens is a must, they take you in a zodiac inside caves, the rock colors are amazing.

If you are driving up and you are a turner, there is a lot of free figured wood to be had due to the hurricane last year. I have collected some 200 + burls in the past three months.

As to the documentary, we tend to follow the US policies fairly close up here as a whole. Some of what was pointed out came as no suprise, being the Florida vote results, some of the topics covered were in a recent W5 documentary. What really suprised me was the president spending 44% of his first term on vacation, considering the economy at the time, the affiliation of the Bush family with the Bin Laden family was a shock, the fact that the Saudie's own around 8% of US capital traded on the NYSE was a real shock for me, I forget the actual number but their investment in the USA is over $800 Billion.

My heart goes out to the American Men and Women who are posted in Iraq, the loss of lives is so tragic, I wish them God speed and an early return home.

I would give the documentary a 9 out of 10, if nothing else it may or should encourage the public to ask some pretty pointed questions. Just my 2 cents.

Tyler, you can contact me direct if you wish, I would need your snail mail to get the tourism packages sent out, would love to have you and your family out to our home and show you the shop.

