View Full Version : New member with couple lathe-specific questions...

Ken Jurman
02-02-2009, 3:18 PM
Greetings all,

I'm a novice recently getting back into my turning after several years off an have a couple questions on a couple lathes I own:

1. I have a Brodhead Garrett J-170 that works great, but some years ago I had a bad catch that snapped one side of my tool rest off (cast iron), The post for the rest is 1.25 inches. Does anyone have any suggestions where I can get a new tool rest with this size post? Alternatively - does anyone know if another manufacturer's tool rest base (think I heard this part called a "banjo") will fit this lathe? The cam locking mech. on mine is shop built and a pain to operate.

2. I also have a mint Record CL3-48 I picked up a Salvation Army, of all places. I literally does not look like it was ever turned on, came with the manual (english and french), a regular rest and 17" two-post tool rest, , and a few other goodies. The one thing it didn't come with, which I want badly,is the accessory CL3 bowl turning attachment that allows for rotating the headstock and turning large objects perpendicular to the rails. I found out Record no longer has distributors in the states, but they could sell me one from England(?) for £51 (British pounds - don't know what that equates in U.S. dollars) - and an additional £105 pounds shipping!! YIKES!

My questions on the Record are:
-Does anyone know where I might find one of these stateside?
-Does anyone have any experience with this bowl rest and is it worth pursuing? I want to turn larger "stuff" but both the Brodhead Garrett and Record are limited in this regard.
-I paid $475 for the Record and a owner-built stand. Anyone know if this was a deal, or should I have saved my $$

Thanks for any input y'all can offer!


Dennis Ford
02-02-2009, 7:03 PM
I think you will be better off using a shop made tool rest to replace the broken one. My home-made lathe uses a 1.25" post for the tool rest, most commerical lathes use 1" or smaller.

I don't know anything about the Record.

Richard Madison
02-02-2009, 7:45 PM
First off, WELCOME to the forum. Lots of knowledgeable, helpful folks here.

That said, you could have a tool rest made for much less $$ than you mentioned. Where are you? Might be a club or another turner nearby who could help.

Bernie Weishapl
02-02-2009, 10:39 PM
Ken welcome the SMC. On your tool rest I would go down to your local welder and have him make you one out of round stock. I have my welder make me 5 for $55. Don't have any idea on your lathe.