View Full Version : Some spindle advice needed...

Brent Grooms
02-01-2009, 10:52 AM
I am working on a functional cane as a gift and have many of the issues worked out except one... attachment of the handle ferrule to the shaft.

The inside of the ferrule is threaded, made of brass and the actual handle is removable. There is only about 5/8in available for the shaft tenon to attach. My original idea was to crossdrill the tenon (say 1/8 to 3/16 dia for epoxy to fill and flow thru) size the tenon so that its loose slip fit and have at it with epoxy.

After making several sizing/practice tenons I am second guessing my approach. I guess I am looking for some input from those who have crossed this bridge before...


Harvey M. Taylor
02-01-2009, 11:13 AM
I know the cane-heads you are referring to, and I have made a few. I fit the tenon on the wood to fit tightly and swab wood glue on the wood and inside the ferule that joins the wood when attached. Leave it to dry at least a day and it is impossible to remove without tearing the ferrule up. You can still change the head to another one with no trouble.Enjoy- Max