View Full Version : Gosh I love my wife!

John Fricke
01-31-2009, 8:11 PM
I was out in the garage anchor sealing the crotch pieces i mentioned in my other post when my wife came out to see what I was doing. She said "those pieces are kinda big for your lathe arn't they"? I said "yea I'll have to cut them down quite a bit". "That seems like a real shame. I think after we get your motorcycle paid off this summer, you should look into a bigger lathe" she said. I said " ummm yea honey if you really think so."


Wyatt Holm
01-31-2009, 8:15 PM
If you do get a new lathe get a Vicmarc. I really like mine. Rikon is nearly as good I think.

Greg Just
01-31-2009, 9:55 PM
better get that in writing! :rolleyes:

alex carey
01-31-2009, 9:59 PM
Vicmarc...That will do but I think you oughta consider the mustard machine instead. Congrats on soon getting a new lathe.

Steve Schlumpf
01-31-2009, 10:14 PM
John - that whooshing sound you hear is the entrance to the next level of the vortex!

Looking forward to seeing which lathe you decide on!