View Full Version : Mother of all unsafe workers

Tom Majewski
01-31-2009, 4:43 PM

I was browsing for home made TS riving knife and this one popped up. Don't know why, but it's a doosey.

Let's see,

Balancing a bucket
No safety glasses
Foot start with Sandels
Miter sled AND rip fence cut

I'm sure I missed some.

Tom Veatch
01-31-2009, 4:55 PM
Well, he did show some safety consciousness by standing off to one side so he wouldn't get the cutoff in his gut.:rolleyes:

What does a replacement start cap cost? Less than $10 IIRC. Would sure beat that Rube Goldberg setup for getting it started.

John Ricci
01-31-2009, 5:08 PM
I hope his daughter was out if the room by the time he pulled that stunt:eek:


David Freed
01-31-2009, 5:14 PM
I hope his daughter was out if the room by the time he pulled that stunt:eek:


That was my first thought. The real kicker was when he started out by saying he was getting into safety, just before he does one unsafe thing after another.

David G Baker
01-31-2009, 5:46 PM
If the guy spent the time working at McDonald's that he spent working on the saw and motor he could afford a new saw.
I would make my own capacitors by stacking them until I got the right value if I needed to get a motor going in an emergency but using sandals on his feet, pliers, and bucket with board is way beyond the pale.

glenn bradley
01-31-2009, 5:49 PM
I've seen that one before. I just can't watch. How can one person do so many things wrong within such a short period of time? When he gets beaned by a kickback he'll scream unsafe tablesaw and order an EZ ;-)

Alex Shanku
01-31-2009, 6:03 PM
Is this the same guy who turned a miniature baseball bat on the lathe?

If not, they could have been brothers. Some of the most absurd machinery use I have ever seen!!!

Mike Heidrick
01-31-2009, 7:14 PM
I flagged it for dangerous/harmful content.

Tom Leasure
01-31-2009, 7:30 PM
This is a joke - right ?? I think the gene pool is getting watered down !!

Porter Bassett
01-31-2009, 7:37 PM
It's too late for that. This guy's already reproduced.

Anything that happens to you after you're done having children is evolutionarily insignificant.

Lee Koepke
01-31-2009, 8:10 PM
somewhere somebody is editing a 'user manual' to include all his errors.

i also truly hope his daughter was not still sitting behind the saw when he was using the rip fence AND mitre gauge ...

Jack Wilson50
01-31-2009, 8:46 PM
See, this is why you see all those bizar warning on lables and manuals. You know, like don't stand in water when pluging in an extension cord.

Alex Shanku
01-31-2009, 9:36 PM
You know, like don't stand in water when pluging in an extension cord.


Cody Colston
01-31-2009, 9:48 PM
He did show some pretty amazing balance and dexterity while standing on one foot, using the other to turn the motor and holding the belts with pliers at the same time. I don't think I could do that.

But, someone ought to kick his nether region very forcefully for doing all those dangeous acts with that little girl seated in the line of fire.

I wonder what kind of stupid stuff he did befoe he "really started getting into safety."

glenn bradley
01-31-2009, 10:00 PM
I flagged it for dangerous/harmful content.

That got me :D:D:D:D

Mark Boyette
01-31-2009, 11:50 PM
That's awesome. The best part to me is leaving the piece between the blade and fence. Runner up is using the miter guage with the fence.
Good stuff.

Jim Kountz
02-01-2009, 12:27 AM
Im remember seeing this last year sometime, it never gets old watching this dufus kick start his table saw.

Brian Peters
02-01-2009, 12:36 AM
I don't even know what to say. First I'm surprised no - amazed that he has all of his fingers, and over that... that he is still alive. Second, he put his daughter at risk (not only himself) and all it would take is some angry mother to forward that video to their local DCF. And lastly, I still don't understand how he hasn't hurt himself he obviously isn't afraid for his own personal safety nevermind anyone elses as he jokingly makes an insanely dangerous cut on an old rusty table saw with a dull rusty blade in flip flops, no glasses and with plywood that looks like it has been sitting outside in the elements for a few years.

That video takes the cake. Would be a great clip for a sawstop commercial. :D

Dewey Torres
02-01-2009, 1:05 AM
That was the first time I saw it but I almost wanted to find his address so I could send him a new TS myself!

Don Eddard
02-01-2009, 5:34 AM
I've seen the video before, but seeing it again I just realized the On/Off switch is located on the back of the saw. Another feather in his safety cap. :rolleyes:

Curt Harms
02-01-2009, 8:44 AM
I've seen the video before, but seeing it again I just realized the On/Off switch is located on the back of the saw. Another feather in his safety cap. :rolleyes:

Well, considering his unique-I hope-starting procedure, it pretty much has to be in the back (GOOD GRIEF, CHARLIE BROWN!:eek:) The saw is serviceable but he sure could do with some motor repair or replacement.

Craig McCormick
02-01-2009, 9:10 AM
somewhere somebody is editing a 'user manual' to include all his errors.

i also truly hope his daughter was not still sitting behind the saw when he was using the rip fence AND mitre gauge ...

You may be correct on the user manual statement. I was admiring a friends brand new Italian scooter. He was showing me the under seat storage compartment when I noticed a sticker that warned against keeping pets under the seat?????


Peter Quinn
02-01-2009, 9:37 AM
Honestly, I love his ingenuity for kick starting that saw using the karate stance "Crane in a stiff breeze", 'Git er done' mentality. Its what happens after he starts the saw that brings out the worst in me. I'm thinking "Please TS, pick that off cut up and put it right in his teeth, I want to see blood splatter on the camera, see where his recent safety consciousness leads him!" The ER sooner or later I'd guess.

The kid in the room is unacceptable. That's the proof that he is a complete Dummy! Heck I change my clothes before playing with my two year old after wood working so he doesn't get exposed to the fine dust that may stick to my shirt. I'd guess this moron hasn't had or seen a real frightening power tool incident yet, or he is just dense and dumb as a stump?

Stephen Edwards
02-01-2009, 10:16 AM
With the exception of the kid being in the same room with this guy, that's the funniest thing I've seen in a while! His nickname will undoubtedly be something like"Stubby" or "Nubs" as his "career" progresses!

Tom Majewski
02-01-2009, 11:27 AM
I left a message on his youtube page asking if he was still alive. I hope he responds.

Anyway, maybe I should abandon my quest to make a safer tablesaw, with an MJ splitter, grippers, bladeguard, and just "grow a pair" and be a tool daredevel like this guy.:D:p

Sonny Edmonds
02-01-2009, 11:41 AM
Isn't that guy a Congressman?
Well, at lest he's smart enough to be one.
Where there is an Idiot, there is a way. :rolleyes:

Brent Leonard
02-01-2009, 12:23 PM

"Crane in a stiff breeze"!!! ROTFLMAO!!! That's one of the funniest descriptions I've ever heard!

That has to be some of the funniest stuff ever! i can't stop laughing!

Brian Peters
02-01-2009, 12:48 PM
You guys seen his other videos he has up? This one takes the cake but check out his framing video. I wonder if his house is still standing.

Jay Yoder
02-01-2009, 4:45 PM
or maybe a recent IL gov? good one!! absolutely amazing...just when i thought i had seen it all...

Rick Christopherson
02-01-2009, 5:17 PM
I always get a kick out of these threads where people come out of the woodwork (no pun intended) to lambaste someone else on safety issues with their practices. (whether founded or not.)

It is always at the top of my thoughts; how many of these "finger pointers" would survive a visit into their own shop to review their practices? :D

Hahahaha...I know that I do things that would make other woodworkers cringe, and freely admit it, but if you think that there is nothing in your shop that is considered unsafe, does that mean you would be willing to have me visit your shop to look for unsafe practices? http://www.talkfestool.com/vb/images/smilies/poking.gif

I know in advance when I am doing something that is considered unsafe, but many woodworkers don't realize what is safe and unsafe, and that is why they do it. So the question is, are you so confident in your procedures that you know that no other woodworker could walk into your shop and not point out similar safety deficiencies?

Just food for thought.:p

Vinny Miseo
02-01-2009, 5:23 PM
That guy should have a few beers with this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI05rhsiew0&eurl

before working with powertools of course... :rolleyes:

Tom Majewski
02-01-2009, 5:44 PM
I would be the practical joker that moved all his pencil lines 2" too short.

Brian Peters
02-01-2009, 5:45 PM
I'm confident in what I do is pretty safe. But this isn't about being safe or being unsafe not using blade guards sometimes, this is about a video of an apparent idiot that has no regard for the safety of himself or other people. It's above being safe or unsafe, he is just flat out stupid. Uneducated in how to properly use and respect tools - yes, but still stupid for not even realizing the apparent danger in what he was doing.

I've done stupid stuff it's how you learn, but you can come in my shop anytime, I'm sure you might see somethings you don't like but that's a personal opinion. However it's pretty much a fact that guy is an idiot.

Vinny Miseo
02-01-2009, 6:09 PM
I would be the practical joker that moved all his pencil lines 2" too short.

:D Just enough to get the tips...

JohnT Fitzgerald
02-01-2009, 6:12 PM
This is a joke - right ?? I think the gene pool is getting watered down !!

There are some that feel the "gene pool" needs some stronger chlorination.... ;)

Bill White
02-01-2009, 6:55 PM
As I posted on another site, I hope he doesn't own and use any firearms.

Sonny Edmonds
02-01-2009, 9:07 PM
I always get a kick out of these threads where people come out of the woodwork (no pun intended) to lambaste someone else on safety issues with their practices. (whether founded or not.)

It is always at the top of my thoughts; how many of these "finger pointers" would survive a visit into their own shop to review their practices? :D

Hahahaha...I know that I do things that would make other woodworkers cringe, and freely admit it, but if you think that there is nothing in your shop that is considered unsafe, does that mean you would be willing to have me visit your shop to look for unsafe practices? http://www.talkfestool.com/vb/images/smilies/poking.gif

I know in advance when I am doing something that is considered unsafe, but many woodworkers don't realize what is safe and unsafe, and that is why they do it. So the question is, are you so confident in your procedures that you know that no other woodworker could walk into your shop and not point out similar safety deficiencies?

Just food for thought.:p

Well, for one, Rick, I do a lot of stuff others would be appalled at. I don't make bones about it.
But I am smart enough to not "kick start" my saw. Nor to do a trapped cut like this buffoon did.
And for a fact, I don't publish it on the web. :rolleyes:

My shop, my rules. All others take a hike.
(Dang! Just finished (almost) re-flooring my 31' RV and I STILL have all my fingers! :eek: :) . In spite of extensive use of my SCMS and table saw.)

What did you do yesterday and today? :D

Sonny Edmonds
02-01-2009, 9:10 PM
And a scrawny idiot at that, Brian. ;)

Jack Wilson50
02-01-2009, 9:56 PM

LOL, are those guy really drunk or just stupid. I assume you are not of these fellows.


Pat Germain
02-01-2009, 10:30 PM
Stupidity and ambition is a most dangerous combination.

Craig Johnson
02-02-2009, 12:12 AM
Just like some people are just too dangerous to drive.....some should just not use power tools.............Ever.

Peter Scoma
02-02-2009, 12:47 AM
check out his other video showing him singlehandedly framing his house. The circ saw between the legs and sitting atop loose 2x4 walls makes him look like a nasa engineer in the TS video.


Lee Schierer
02-02-2009, 2:37 PM
As others have indicated, I would hate to see what he was doing before he got into safety thinking in his shop.

Let's see how many unsafe things did I see:
1. Lifting the weight of the motor with a bucket & 2 x 4 and hoping it stays put while holding the belt with pliers near the motor pulley.

2. Kick starting the motor instead of replacing the capacitor.

3. Wearing flip flops while trying to start hte otor with his foot, balanced on the other foot.

4. Operating the saw with the switch on the other side out of reach.

5. Doing a cross cut with the miter gauge and fence in combination.

6. Pushing the offcut away from the blade with the piece in his had without shutting off the saw.

7. No guard on the blade.

8. No eye protection.

9.No dust collection, even took off the mask he was wearing in the beginning.

10. Using a dull blade

11. Standing in the way of the path for the piece to kick back between the blade and the fence.

12. Lousy hand positioning for the cut. No means to keep the piece to the left of the blade from getting pushed sideways into the blade.

13. No belt guard in place (Of course he couldn't start the saw if it were).

14. Clutter on the floor where he was working.

15. Drilling a hole through a board into the concrete floor.

16. Having a young child in the room while performing all of the above, but at least she seemed to be inventorying the first aid kit, so hopefully she also has had good first aid training. She must have watched the two dress rehersals before making the video that was posted and knows how the scence will end.

Did I miss any?

Brad Wood
02-02-2009, 3:16 PM
Wow, when I saw the title of this post, I thought to myself... "self, being somewhat new to table saw usage, maybe I can watch this and see if I do anything in this video"... sort of a possible learning opportunity.

Well, I can certainly say, I have never done anything quite like this before. It wouldn't even cross my mind. Wow.

Mark Smith, too
02-02-2009, 4:07 PM

LOL, are those guy really drunk or just stupid. I assume you are not of these fellows.


Well if the code required an outdoor circuit to be GFI and if they used that circuit then not much bad will happen except losing power. Still incredibly stupid.

Brad Wood
02-02-2009, 4:19 PM
not defending the guy by any means, but you are all jumping to conclusions about doing what he was doing with his daughter in the room (with the TS at least). There was obvious time jumps in the video (i.e. torn down motor to almost functioning motor).

Larry Fox
02-02-2009, 4:42 PM
That's awesome. The best part to me is leaving the piece between the blade and fence. Runner up is using the miter guage with the fence.
Good stuff.

That is exactly what occured to me as well. I actually felt my muscles tensing up as I watched that. Kicker is that he actually seems to take a certain bit of pride in the dangerous nature of his setup. WRT the mask, I really think that his mention of a chronic lung condition due to the dust is about the last thing he has to worry about.

Michael Peet
02-02-2009, 5:38 PM
not defending the guy by any means, but you are all jumping to conclusions about doing what he was doing with his daughter in the room (with the TS at least). There was obvious time jumps in the video (i.e. torn down motor to almost functioning motor).

Correct. He is wearing a different shirt in the segment with his daughter.

My blood went cold watching this thing.

Myk Rian
02-02-2009, 5:51 PM
He would have better luck starting the motor if he wrapped a rope around the pulley to pull on, like an outboard motor.

Eric Teague
02-02-2009, 5:53 PM
Before turning on my first tool, I bought eye and hearing protection for my kids and I.

I think I'll use this a a training video at work ;)

Jim Heffner
02-02-2009, 9:41 PM
I guess this clod is too cheap or stupid to have the motor repaired with the proper start capacitor or bearing by a qualified repair shop. He might be able to buy a good used motor from local CL and have his troubles over and done! I hope his daughter and the dog weren't around to be the receipent of any of his stupid moves that could hurt them! If they left the room before he started this video, proves one thing...they are smarter than he is.

Rick Steverson
02-03-2009, 10:22 AM
Well if the code required an outdoor circuit to be GFI and if they used that circuit then not much bad will happen except losing power. Still incredibly stupid.

Actually, GFI trip levels of 4-6 milliamps can still be very painful. And if you get hit at the exactly wrong point in the cardiac rhythm, less than 4 milliamp can cause defibrillation.

We're in agreement on the "stupid" part. :D

Mike Robbins
02-03-2009, 11:10 AM

LOL. I'm guessing that the cord isn't plugged in and this is just a joke. I really can't think anyone is really THAT unaware or stupid.

Keith Christopher
02-03-2009, 11:11 AM
I always get a kick out of these threads where people come out of the woodwork (no pun intended) to lambaste someone else on safety issues with their practices. (whether founded or not.)

It is always at the top of my thoughts; how many of these "finger pointers" would survive a visit into their own shop to review their practices? :D

Hahahaha...I know that I do things that would make other woodworkers cringe, and freely admit it, but if you think that there is nothing in your shop that is considered unsafe, does that mean you would be willing to have me visit your shop to look for unsafe practices? http://www.talkfestool.com/vb/images/smilies/poking.gif

I know in advance when I am doing something that is considered unsafe, but many woodworkers don't realize what is safe and unsafe, and that is why they do it. So the question is, are you so confident in your procedures that you know that no other woodworker could walk into your shop and not point out similar safety deficiencies?

Just food for thought.:p

I am assuming this post is a joke. While we all have little 'quirks' that others would find dangerous, there is NO defense to this guys actions. I won't review as it has been done too many times. I am amazed he didn't get any kickback. First the mitre and rip fence combo, but when he whacked the cutoff off the table you can hear it 'kiss' the blade a little. I am shocked that didn't cause it to kickback. 2 yrs since his last video, I'm thinking he probably had a bad accident and it cost him.

David Moody
02-03-2009, 12:49 PM
One other safety issue that I saw...

What about the camera operator?

Don Palese
02-18-2009, 8:30 PM
I did watch this video .. and my reactions is very basic .. this is a person that should not be allowed to spawn (although it is too late for the little one, it is clearly not her fault to have such a stupid father) .. His gene pool is defective and should be stopped.

Hank Moreman
02-21-2009, 10:35 PM
I love the fact that the idiot used a 5 gallon bucket to start a table saw

jeff begin
02-22-2009, 3:16 AM
Note to self: remember to remove rip fence when using crosscut sled. :o

Stan Urbas
02-22-2009, 11:13 AM
Wait a minute - are you telling me this ISN'T how all you guys start your saws? And where can I get one of those special starter buckets? Must be a special order!

Heather Thompson
02-23-2009, 12:20 PM
Wait a minute - are you telling me this ISN'T how all you guys start your saws? And where can I get one of those special starter buckets? Must be a special order!


I am one of the fow folks hear that sells cutome starter buckets, most folks pay 425.00 (US dollers, but for you I will do a deal of 390.00 since you are a SCm remember, PM me your shipping information, I will will arrange priority shipping when I receive your banc draift. Hope you enjoy you new starter bucket as mach as the other satisfied customers, hippy startingn to yu.

Beast Sturter Bukets.com

Dan Mooney
02-23-2009, 2:01 PM

I was browsing for home made TS riving knife and this one popped up. Don't know why, but it's a doosey.

Let's see,

Balancing a bucket
No safety glasses
Foot start with Sandels
Miter sled AND rip fence cut

I'm sure I missed some.

This guy should not be allowed anywhere near a power tool without a keeper!:eek::eek: