View Full Version : segment question

Dave Bureau
01-30-2009, 9:05 PM
Im building a segmented vase and want to apply a thin veneer layer. should i cut the veneer into segments like the rings or can i apply a sheet sandwiched between layers. veneers will be maple and black and about 6" diameter.

David Christopher
01-30-2009, 9:30 PM
Dave, when I made mine I just resawed and left it in sheets

Ryan Baker
01-30-2009, 9:38 PM
Make it segmented like everything else. It will look better and it will avoid the cross-grain problems. Just because it is a thin ring doesn't make it any different.

Richard Madison
01-30-2009, 10:31 PM
Have read that cross grain joints with thin (1/16" or less) veneer between two thick rings are ok, as the veneer will move (or not) with the thicker material. An alternative is to glue the veneer to the thicker stock to be used for the next ring before cutting the segments for that ring. Either way, leave the veneer securely clamped until the glue is fully dry. This is to prevent moisture in the glue from causing the veneer to wrinkle. Just reporting what I have read.

Jim Swift
01-30-2009, 10:59 PM

When I add veneer 1/32" purchased at Woodcraft I just glue it to the layer and clamp. If I am doing a layer 1/16" or more I miter and glue segments. It is easier to glue up a layer of 3/4" material and flatten then glue to next layer then either part it off with enough thickness for your intended seperation or turn it down to thickness. It is extremely difficult for me to glue 1/4" or 1/8" segments into a ring

Just my $.02 from a beginner.

Good Luck

Jim Swift

David Christopher
01-30-2009, 11:14 PM
I just see no point in segmenting veneer pieces when you cant even see the grain.

Larry Marley
01-31-2009, 12:57 AM
light color veneer will look darker on the end grain sides. Black veneer looks OK.
I like to glue up thicker rings and slice off veneer rings from that.

Brodie Brickey
02-01-2009, 12:37 PM
In addition to Larry's point above...

Veneer glued with a different grain direction can result in a failure point if the two rings its sandwiched between move in different directions.

Robert McGowen
02-01-2009, 4:41 PM
I would segment it, but the easiest way is like Richard described above. Just cut the veneer into strips and glue it to the piece of wood that you will be using for the layer AFTER the veneer layer. Then cut that piece into segments and you are ready to go with the veneer already attached.