View Full Version : Kitchener-Waterloo Woodshow 2003 pic

Jim Shaver, Oakville Ont
03-16-2003, 10:13 AM
Kitchener- Waterloo Woodshow 2003

I could have also easily titled this post “why you should bring your daughter to woodshows”.

Yesterday was my chance to take Dana out to another local wood show, being held in Kitchener. We went to last years show but Dana was not too excited about it, she was apprehensive about going to the show this year, I knew I had my work cut out for me. As some of you know the weather yesterday was excellent in these regions, above freezing and bright sunshine, it all made for a lovely hour long drive to the show.
When we arrived we found as we walked in Rob, from Kooturs Lumber, they had their Woodmizer cutting oak logs and a small crowd gathering. We watched for awhile and then when they took a break we said hello to Gwen and Rob. Dana and I had paid a visit out to their mill almost three years ago to have some ash logs milled into boards. Rob was excellent then, so I thought it was time for another picture of Dana with Rob.

<IMG SRC="http://www.canadianwoodworking.com/gallery/images/uploads/20030316082128.jpg">

After that we went into the show and right away I looked for something to keep Dana’s attention and interest in the show. As most parents will attest keeping a child’s interest in something is a function of “what’s in it for me”, so I headed quickly to the Children’s wood working area.

Once over there we found the Home Hardware set up, scroll saws, sanding machines, etc. They displayed a number of fine easy projects for children and also had on hand some teenage boys and girls to help out the little ones with the project they chose to make. Dana wanted to try a shamrock, so off she went with a woodworking guide named Aaron.

Aaron showed her how to trace out the master, cut out the profile on a scroll saw and sand it …all the while I kept at a distance, watching and smiling. Thanks Aaron!

<IMG SRC="http://www.canadianwoodworking.com/gallery/images/uploads/20030316082202.jpg">

As you can see, she was quite pleased with her results!

<IMG SRC="http://www.canadianwoodworking.com/gallery/images/uploads/20030316082222.jpg">

After that, she was quite content to allow Dad to “work” the show floor, looking at what interests I had. We stopped by Rob Cosman’s booth and watched for a bit, Dana managed to con Clair out of some bubble pack wrapping and before you knew it I think she’d popped every bubble on all his packing material, Thanks Clair. While we were there we ran into quite a few members from the CWW forum, it was great to have a chance to shake hands and say hi to some good friends.

After that Dana spotted John Sillaots from the HGTV show In The Workshop. “ Dad, that’s John Sillaots!”….well he stopped and shook her hand, I guess she’s been paying attention to the show while I watch it, John was first class and stopped, said hello and later gave Dana a signed picture of himself.

<IMG SRC="http://www.canadianwoodworking.com/gallery/images/uploads/20030316082241.jpg">

We had a great time, saw Robert Sabourin (member of BP and CWW for many years) selling his wonderful wood turnings, spent time speaking with a number of vendors who made their own wooden musical instruments, rocking horses, Windsor chairs. We saw Hendrik giving one of his seminars, it looked packed, he really can draw a crowd!

We even ran into our veterinarian, Lori Gold, he had a booth selling wooden toys that he and his family make together. Lori told me that he and his family use shop time as together time and they enjoy the process very much. He told me that I had told him about Lee Valley and that he’d probably spent thousands of dollars there over the years because of me….all with a huge smile on his delighted face. That was so neat!

We did drop by the Lee Valley booth later, I showed Dana how to push a plane on their bench, the low angled smoother made light shavings in her little hands that had some guidance from dad. She did draw a bit of a crowd while she was having fun with the plane, that is the wonderful thing about this show, the KW show has an atmosphere that creates ease in being approachable and conversation.

I bought the Starrett Combination square from Lee Valley that I had been eyeing for awhile – great service from the London store staff, as usual.

Then we were off for some lunch, cotton candy and to see the carving displays. What I find incredible about the KW show are the carving displays, I have to say I know little about carving, but what I have seen over the years at KW is wonderful, you have to see this work to believe it.

Anyway, we had a great time, many friendly people to talk with, ran into a few Halton Furniture Makers Society members, CWW forum members and friends.

All in all I was very happy with the show, Dana has a whole new appreciation of what fun can be had at these events and I am looking forward to taking her with me to Woodstock in the fall.
The snow is still here after yesterday’s warm weather but with a week more of this weather it should mostly be all gone.

Dana was thrilled with the show, yesterday changed her whole perception of what these shows are about, we both learned something new too.
I can feel my woodworking season fast approaching….it’s a good feeling.

Take care,

Daniel Rabinovitz
03-16-2003, 11:50 AM
Jim and Dana
Great day!
Wonder experience and photos.
I am sure you both had fun.
"The boss" (SWMBO) bought stuff at the local Babie-R-Us for my daughter and her husband in light of their upcoming child. Our first grandson. Coming in June.
Lovely show!

Jim Young
03-16-2003, 12:30 PM
Great post, Jim

The way I get Simone to go to the woodworking events is with the promise of ice cream. Simone looks to be around the same age as Dana. Every time we go to a show it seems that she ends up making ME wait at booth for something or anther. Last time it was Frantz klausz making her a shaving with her name in it. The time before that the Timberwolf booth where the guy was making her a raindeer on the bandsaw.

Lee Schierer
03-16-2003, 5:12 PM
Looks like both of you had a good time. So when is the scroll saw arriving?

Dana is experienced now.

Glenn Clabo
03-16-2003, 5:19 PM
Nice stuff...the words of a VERY proud Dad come through loud and clear.

Randy Miller
03-17-2003, 9:51 AM
Time spent with your daughter AND a wood show. Sounds like an unbeatable combination.