View Full Version : How sweet it is!

Brad Schmid
06-30-2004, 3:02 PM
Well, after spending the first 5 months of the year going through right hip replacement, recovery, left hip replacement, recovery; I'm finally able to function reasonably well in the shop again. I was really going through withdrawls on the spinny thing, but in early June when I was again able, SWMBO insisted I get back to (and finish) a maple/cherry dresser I started in December just before the first surgery. Well, this past weekend I was to a point where I needed to make a trip for some maple/cherry stock for the drawers before I could go further. Lucky for me, it was raining, and having no cover on my truck the lumber trip had to be postponed to a future date. Yahoo! Sunday evening I finally got back to the lathe for a couple hrs :D . I was so happy I didn't care what I was doing as long as shavings were flying! The result is this Chinese Elm natural edge (I know...the lighting is bad :o ). Just enough to get back in the groove...

Thanks for looking, and thanks for letting me live vicariously through all of you over the past several months during recuperation via this fine meeting place. Not being able to spend time in my own shop, the next best thing was to watch everybody else here :cool: .


Jim Becker
06-30-2004, 3:39 PM
Geepers, you're way too young for hip replacement! ('Glad it went well, though) Keep those project pictures coming now that you're back in the shop. The natural edge piece is very nice!

David Hayes
06-30-2004, 3:48 PM
Beautiful work! I'm sure you must have been extremely stir crazy. Glad to hear all is going well now.

Jerry Olexa
06-30-2004, 11:25 PM
Welcome back Brad!! I know the feeling. You really miss your woodworking when you're recuperating,, The website keeps you going and formulating plans!Glad you're back. Enjoy

Ken Fitzgerald
06-30-2004, 11:32 PM
Brad.........I LIKE IT! :) Welcome back. I'm glad those hip replacements went well! I, however, know the world is truly flat! I don't own a spinny thing...yet.
Uh......The world is flat.....the world is flat......the world is flat......

Jim Ketron
07-01-2004, 12:03 AM
Glad you are back in the shop!:)
Nice bowl!
I don't know if I could have waited that long I probably would of had my lathe set up in the living room:D

Mike Scoggins
07-01-2004, 8:58 AM

I thought there might be some woodworking activity going on in your shop when I came home Sunday night. The lights were on with one garage door partially raised...good signs. (I was guessing you were working on the dresser.) I'm really glad for you that you were able to get out and spend some time doing something you love, good neighbor!

Nice job on the turning. I like it. I pray that your complete recovery comes speedily so that you can spend as much time as you want in your shop!


Billy Reynolds
07-01-2004, 9:07 AM
Welcome back. I went through knee surgery back in May and was unable to do anything in the shop. Sure made for some long days. Here hoping your recuperation goes well. BTW Beautifull bowl. :)

Dennis Peacock
07-01-2004, 9:10 AM
Very nice turning Brad.!!!

But I'm even more glad that you have done so well at your recovery. I sure hope that pray that all this does the "trick" for ya.

Brad Schmid
07-01-2004, 10:38 AM
Brad.........I LIKE IT! :) Welcome back. I'm glad those hip replacements went well! I, however, know the world is truly flat! I don't own a spinny thing...yet.
Uh......The world is flat.....the world is flat......the world is flat......

Resistance is futile! You might as well stop fighting it now. Come to the round side...

As much as I love building furniture and other flatwork, there's just something about turning... Therapeutical you might say :)


Brad Schmid
07-01-2004, 10:59 AM

I thought there might be some woodworking activity going on in your shop when I came home Sunday night. The lights were on with one garage door partially raised...good signs. (I was guessing you were working on the dresser.) I'm really glad for you that you were able to get out and spend some time doing something you love, good neighbor!

Nice job on the turning. I like it. I pray that your complete recovery comes speedily so that you can spend as much time as you want in your shop!


Hi Mike,
yep, we finally had a cool enough evening where I could open the doors. pretty rare here in the summer, huh? :) It's only a matter of time before you get hooked on this too you know ;) BTW - thanks for the Raffan turning book you and your family bought me to help pass the time. read it cover to cover and then some... And most of all, thanks for your prayers.

Lucky for me my wife will never know how close I came to having the FEDEX guy deliver a minilathe to my living room :D

pssssst. hey everybody, while I was laying in the living room recovering, I had to watch Mike working in his shop out the window. It was sheer tortue :D


Brad Schmid
07-01-2004, 11:17 AM
Thank you everybody for your compliments and well wishes. Truly appreciated.

Billy - I hope your knee recovery has gone as good as my recovery has.

Jim - you have no idea how close I was to having a minilathe on the couch :D

Dennis - yep, it did the "trick". They tell me I'm good for another 50-100 yrs. I figure if I get that, I don't mind having it done again ;)
