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View Full Version : Kitchen Cabinet Door question

Kerry Adams
01-27-2009, 9:38 AM
Good Morning,

When do you route the roundover on the outside edges of the door? Before or after the doors are put togeather?

Thanks, Kerry

Bill White
01-27-2009, 9:41 AM
What roundover are ya talkin' about?

Kevin Godshall
01-27-2009, 9:47 AM
I don't outside profile any of my doors until the last step before finish sanding and finish application.

The reason for this is that if I need to do any adjustment to the size of my doors to make them all equal, a profiled door would be scrap now.

I get them out of the clamps, sand the faces, backs and edges, make positive of square, make positive that all are equal in length and width (assuming all are the same dimensions), then outside profile, finish sand, apply finish.

Kerry Adams
01-27-2009, 9:50 AM
Sorry, let me try again. The doors I am copying have a roundover edge on all four outside edges of the door. So, my question is do I put that on after the door is togeather, or run each piece before I put the door togeather.


Scott Loven
01-27-2009, 10:02 AM
Do it after the door is glued. I like to leave my doors a little long and trim them square on the table saw after glue-up. Route the ends first, then the sides.

Joe Chritz
01-27-2009, 11:48 AM
What Kevin said.

Either profile them with a hand router (a trim router does this fine) or on a shaper or router table. If you go around to profile any chip out is taken up by the long pass on the next side.


Chip Lindley
01-27-2009, 4:02 PM
Yep, edge profiling is the LAST step! Shape the tops, bottoms, then sides. Bore for hinges, then final sand, and finish.

Ed Peters
01-27-2009, 7:35 PM
is the edge treatment in relation to the hinge boring if you are using cup hinges. Some ogees can be set deep enough to cut into the cup bore. One word to the wise is normally sufficient.


bob hertle
01-28-2009, 7:27 AM
+1 for what Ed said. I use a 3/8 roundover on all my frame and panel doors. This barely clears the 35mm cup hole for the euro hinges on a 3/4 inch thick door--so be careful, and do a test piece!:)


Joe Chritz
01-28-2009, 10:25 AM
Some companies offer bits specially for use with the 35 mm hinge cups. The profile is adjusted as that they all clear when cut to full profile.

Most traditional edge profiles will interfere with the hinge cups.

Yes I figured this out the hard way.


Kerry Adams
01-28-2009, 10:36 AM
Thanks everyone for your great replies. No hinge cups on these doors, but I will keep that in mind!


Jim Kountz
01-28-2009, 10:41 PM
What roundover are ya talkin' about?

Um the edge profile of the doors is what he means. What confused you there Bill??