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View Full Version : Foot needs help...on a walnut bowl

Allen Schmid
01-27-2009, 12:21 AM
Well, after I finished the shaping, sanding and foot on this bowl I chucked it up and expanded the jaws into the recess...only to have a 1/2" by 1/8" deep piece pop out of the foot! I put it back onto the wood screw to turn the recess much deeper, almost 1/2", figuring I would try and create a foot that will be separated into 3 or 4 equal pieces with spacing between.
Does that make sense to you all.
The most recent example would be a vase/urn that Jeff Nicol did, with the foot being divided equally.
The question I want to ask is what do you find to be the best tools to use to cut away at the foot? A fine, sharp saw blade of some sort? Dremel tool?
Any and all help is appreciated.

A few (hurried) photos attached...sorry!

Steve Schlumpf
01-27-2009, 12:30 AM
Allen - try a sanding drum for a more even wood removal. Dremel will work but it is very easy to create ridges - which means more sanding.

Tom Giacomo
01-27-2009, 12:59 AM
If you saved that little piece just glue it back in.

Allen Schmid
01-27-2009, 6:55 AM
Tom...I love it! I had a pile of walnut shavings at my feet, that piece was never meant to be found, sometimes it does work that way though where it's just cracked and has not fallen off...darn the luck.

Steve...I had thought of just sanding it down but then remembered how nice of a detail this divided foot looked (on others work) so I am looking to try and go that route.

Thanks for the help...

Joe Chritz
01-27-2009, 7:15 AM
You can use a sanding drum to remove the area between the feet and it will give you a radius edge to each one and would look pretty cool. I think that is was Steve was talking about.

If you want square then probably a good handsaw and chisels as in dovetail style would be the best.


Allen Schmid
01-27-2009, 8:46 AM
Okay, I understand that...sorry Steve, couldn't quiet understand your approach but yes now it does make sense...see I have learned once again never question the advice of these guys!
I'll look into that, won't be for a few days as I am working but will post finished pictures. Thanks fellas.

Cyril Griesbach
01-27-2009, 11:27 AM
Allen, you say that you put it back on the screw to re-cut the bottom which makes me think that you have not yet hollowed out the inside. If that is the case...return it to the screw chuck, reshape the outside and turn a tenon for the chuck. It's much easier to then finish the bottom with the tenon than the recess.

Allen Schmid
01-27-2009, 1:08 PM
I may have mislead you...I had placed it back on the woodscrew to deepen the recess. I had wanted to leave the foot as it was and make some decorative artsy fartsy foot. The photo does not show it but I had already finished the interior of the bowl.