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View Full Version : And so it begins...

Narayan Nayar
01-26-2009, 11:59 PM
Well, I managed to get into the turning class. These are my first turnings (other than pens which I've done in a class several years ago):

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3372/3229819969_2804957213.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/etherfarm/3229819969/)

A top, a hand drill, a mallet, and an awl. All are lyptus but the mallet, which is rock maple.

I learned a lot in the three-day course (3 hours for 3 evenings). And I know I have a lot more to learn. In particular, I need to get better at my approach. I tend to use the tip of the tool and the finished surface is evidence of that. I found the spindle and roughing gouges much easier to use than the skew, but I got much better cuts with the skew when I used it correctly.

I need to find some time to set up my sharpening station at home for turning, then I'm in business. But yeah, I'm hooked. Damn it.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-27-2009, 12:02 AM

Great first projects! The skew....takes a little time but once you learn it...it will be come a favorite tool.

Common theme and mantra for all tools: RIDE THE BEVEL!

Nicely done! Welcome to the Vortex!

David Drickhamer
01-27-2009, 12:16 AM
Very nice job on your first projects.
Practice, practice, practice. Besides, it's fun to make chips.

Allen Schmid
01-27-2009, 12:24 AM
Off to a great start...I really like the bonker...and into the abyss you go!

Steve Schlumpf
01-27-2009, 12:24 AM
Narayan - very nice work on everything! Glad to hear you had fun at your class! Looking forward to seeing more of your work real soon!