View Full Version : Marble roll plans?

Martin Shupe
06-30-2004, 12:49 AM
Sometime in the last 10 years, I saw plans for a very complicated marble roll in, I think, Woodwork, American Woodworking, or maybe another magazine. I have Norm's plan, but was looking for something a little more interesting. Anyone out there know where I can find some marble roll plans? If you know of a back issue that has them, I can go to the library and make a copy.

Thanks in advance.

Mark Patoka
06-30-2004, 7:09 AM
Meisel Wood Hardware has a several different plans that might be what you're looking for. Several other catalog companies offer the same thing.

I made a marble roll a few years ago for my nephews based on one that I had as a kid. Instead of one wide track for a small ball like Norm's, mine was the same layout but had two narrow tracks so you could race to marbles side by side.