View Full Version : Segmented Box

Mike Golka
01-25-2009, 10:56 PM
Here is the first real project off the new Mayo. It's a commisioned trinket box for a birthday gift. 5.25" x 4.75" Birdseye maple, Bloodwood, African Blackwood vineer. I may have to give this selling stuff some serious thought. People have started asking can you make me this or that and I'm not real sure what to tell them as to price. I'm asking $100.00 for this box, is that too much, not enough? Comments and critiques welcome.

Steve Schlumpf
01-25-2009, 11:09 PM
Beautiful box Mike! Glad to hear you are giving the new mayo a workout! Also glad to hear that you are selling your turnings! Prices always depend on the market - the local market - so only you can answer if the price is correct. Personally, I would think you have a lot of time invested in it and would think $120 to $150 would be more in line.

Next time someone requests a like item - quote them $120 or $150 and see what you get for an answer. Just might find out you can make some money at this!

Have fun with it!

Paul Douglass
01-26-2009, 10:53 AM
Nice job! Love the segmented stuff.

Jeff Nicol
01-26-2009, 7:16 PM
Mike, I love your concept and the woods you used! THe selling thing is what ever people are willing to spend. I am so backlogged that I may never see the light again! I am making some jewelry boxes this week along with the turning of many small lidded boxes and miniatures. I almost forgot how to do flat work and had to readjust a bunch of things to get back into it.

Again a beautiful piece!


Jim Kountz
01-26-2009, 10:01 PM
Very nice box!! I think you did an outstanding job with it, as far as price I would think $125-150 sounds about right. But Im not a good one to ask since I have never sold a turning!!

Bernie Weishapl
01-26-2009, 10:03 PM
Great looking box Mike. I to would think $120 to $150 would be more in line.

Mike Golka
01-26-2009, 11:18 PM
Thanks for the kind words and advice everyone. I feel a little guilty asking for money to do things I enjoy so much as a hobbie:confused:, but then I think about those who do this for a living and don't want to cheapen their work by selling too low.:(

Bill Bolen
01-27-2009, 12:00 AM
Beautiful box! Love the form you chose and the colors in the wood just flow!!...Bill..

David Drickhamer
01-27-2009, 12:20 AM
Beautiful box. I agree $125 - $150 is more like it.

Alan Huey
01-27-2009, 1:03 AM
Well, there is time, materials, costs....etc...

But, this is a unique work of art. Really a stunning piece.
Hard to put a price on that, but if you can get people to fund your habit.......I mean hobby:D then that is, as my kids say "WAY COOL"!