View Full Version : Introducing my 1220 VS with bench.

Bob Noles
01-25-2009, 7:30 PM
Borrowing the design from David Gunn's recent post, I threw together a bench for my newly arrived Jet 1220 VS this weekend. After a lot of hard work, I finally got it finished and here is the results. I still need to install the leg levelers when they arrive this week. I am very happy with this lathe and set up and now ready to get serious on turning again.

David Christopher
01-25-2009, 7:45 PM
congrats on the new lathe and bench. the bench looks good and sturdy also...I think thats gloat worthy

Alan Trout
01-25-2009, 7:50 PM
Bob, that is a very nice setup. I am sure you will love it.


Ken Fitzgerald
01-25-2009, 7:51 PM
What a great looking bench and lathe setup! I like that one better than the diving board!

Steve Schlumpf
01-25-2009, 8:30 PM
Bob - that is a really good looking bench! Built solid and even has storage! Should work out well for you! Looking forward to seeing some of your turnings real soon!

Bernie Weishapl
01-25-2009, 9:28 PM
Great looking bench Bob. Looks really stout and the 1220 looks nice.

NOW how come it is so clean? Sheesh!:D;):rolleyes::cool:

Richard A. Rivera, M.D.
01-26-2009, 2:18 AM
Shop is a lot cleaner that mine. Time to let the shavings fly...

Dewey Torres
01-26-2009, 2:20 AM
See mine tomorrow!

Bob Noles
01-26-2009, 6:07 AM
Thanks for your compliments guys. I will be messing the shop up good with this one :eek::p

Steve Campbell
01-26-2009, 7:46 AM
Great looking bench Bob. I even like you're matching bench grinder stand.
Now go have some fun with it.


Wayne Bower
01-26-2009, 8:40 AM
I think that the tubs under the bench need to be filled with shavings. Very nice bench but way to clean.

Jim Kountz
01-26-2009, 9:09 AM
Nice setup, looks like you're ready to roll now!!

David Gunn
01-26-2009, 9:38 AM
I am flattered to see someone copied my stand. I am jealous that your looks better though. Nice work, and like the others said, make some shaving now.

Randy Schaffer
01-26-2009, 2:28 PM
I like that one too.

Paul Mathers
01-26-2009, 7:42 PM
looks great I have the 1220 to I didn't know it came with vs did you do that or is it offered know mine is belt switch

Scott Conners
01-26-2009, 8:44 PM
Paul, Jet offers the 1014 and the 1220 in both standard belt change and electronic VS drive.