View Full Version : Spalted Maple (again) NE Bowl

Toney Robertson
01-24-2009, 8:57 PM
Finished this up after leaving it untouched for months. Some very soft spots - used LOTS of CA. Filled several cracks with epoxy and key shavings.

It is 14" x 6" with wall thickness of a little over 3/8". AO finish.

I tried some new lighting protocols for the pictures. I am not sure if I like the outcome or not.



Comments and critiques welcome.


David Drickhamer
01-24-2009, 9:02 PM
One work will describe it. WOW

David Christopher
01-24-2009, 9:17 PM
Toney, that is a very nice bowl

Brian Effinger
01-24-2009, 9:36 PM
That is gorgeous bowl Toney. And the photos turned out well too. :)

George Morris
01-24-2009, 9:40 PM
A Very Nice N E Bowl and som great pictures!! George

Ken Glass
01-24-2009, 9:46 PM
That is a really great looking NE. I think the lighting on it is excellent. It brings the form to life and gives it dimension. "Great job on both."

Jim Glock
01-24-2009, 9:55 PM
Five STARS all the way around. Very nice work...excellent photo! jg

Jim Kountz
01-24-2009, 10:03 PM
Nice bowl and great pics, I think the background and lighting are very pro looking myself!!

Steve Schlumpf
01-24-2009, 11:13 PM
Toney - very nice job on the bowl! Beautiful wood and spalting! Glad you took the time to save it!

Very dramatic photo! Good focus and the lighting illuminates the subject without casting harsh shadows. About the only thing I would bring to your attention is that with the background/lighting combination - you are very close to losing the detail of the back edge.

Your photos and your turnings have come a long way in a very short period of time! I can see why you are 'suddenly' being accepted into juried shows! Very nice work!

Bernie Weishapl
01-24-2009, 11:53 PM
Wow. Beautiful bowl, beautiful wood and pictures look great.

Dewey Torres
01-25-2009, 5:13 AM
Great piece. Nothing but good to say here!

Bill Blasic
01-25-2009, 7:01 AM
A very nice piece and nice photography. My only problem is the size of the photos (approx. 230 K). They can be made smaller in byte size without losing any quality on the computer monitor and thus load much faster to those of us that do not have high speed internet. AdionSoft Fast Image Resizer - Freeware
will make the picture size smaller without losing anything on the computer screen.

Bill Bolen
01-25-2009, 10:30 AM
That's a very pretty bowl. Great form and color. It is near impossible to keep the bark on some of this spalted stuff isn't it. Your photos are fantastic. Very professional...Bill...

Toney Robertson
01-25-2009, 11:16 AM
Thanks to all for the nice comments.

William, this piece had no bark on it. In fact there was very little bark anywhere on the tree. The black is the natural aging. I think one of the reason that these trees were so beautifully spalted but very little irreversible rot was the trees were still standing. The trees had been pruned to radically and that killed them. A loss for the people's yard but a bonanza for me. :D

Bill, I will try and post smaller size pictures in the future. When you have high speed it is easy to forget how sloooooowww dialup is. My bad.

Steve, Good point, I did notice what you brought up. I think I need just a tad more light or take care of it in editing. I am thinking of modifying my light tent once again (about the 3-4 time) but adding more lights and put them on individual switches so that I can control the lighting more accurately.
